I think you should check the comment above yours because it explains why she's acting like that, imo I agree with it since it is the true, if you think about it she hasn't had proper social life since she was young so when facing any conflicts like that she probs won't have a clue on what to do (=・ω・=)
For all the intelligence the FL is supposed to have (which is mentioned ad nauseum), she seems to be painfully devoid of any common sense. Any instances of her failing to utilize common sense is attributed to her being a scholar. She is a doormat with incredibly poor communication skills and even worse reasoning. This is probably the author struggling with how to incorporate the hyper intelligence they attributed to the FL but the needs for her to be dumb enough to allow easily resolvable conflict to play out around her for the sake of the plot. All this useless chatter she does with the emperor and repeatedly fails to mention the severe disrespect being shown to the imperial family. The ML is even worse. He's essentially a murder puppet with zero communication skills. I bought the chapters legally on tappytoon and regret it tbh. Had to come here to vent