RIGHT? I think MC’s character development is going really well too, he knows how unstable he is (mentally) but he also knows that his actions will affect the team within the dungeon raids too so he does his best. I also love how he knows that what he did to his friends was immoral and he is still “suffering” for what he did to his friends. Its understandable that he wanted to believe his friends were still alive but in the end, its still immoral.

Having depression and trauma doesn't necessarily make for a more interesting character. The entirety of the manhwa, he never really had much of a character development. The author kept going around in circles with him. His character had an interesting premise that fell apart because of the way he was handled.
Can someone tell me why other readers think the MC is weak and has a bland character? Cause I literally see him as someone who has depression, has trauma, and has guilt big enough to want to die. And as someone new to the guild, isn’t it common that he still struggles to catch up with the rest of the members? I know he made some stupid mistakes before but I just see it as part of the plot.