JINLOVEMITSUYA October 1, 2023 12:16 pm

when i was 11 or 12 years old my cousin who was 7 or 8 years old told me "they liked me"in front of my cousin's sibiling and the other one relatives i was shocked at that time but i told my cousin="NO ,you can't love me we are relatives".
my aunt family was living in another town so they only came to see us once a year ,the next year(i am ot sure it's the next year after my cousin confessed or they told me after i said NO at that time)my cousin said they had crushed with their classmate.
when i was 18 years old because of some reason i lived with my aunt house for about 1 year or more ,my cousin was mean to me (the one that confessed before) not because they still like me(probably my cousin already forgot everything) it's because that's his personality .i thought "so that's how you treat the person that you used to like".
well because i still remembered my cousin confessed to me, it's better they never confess .
okay that's my real life story .i am very scare with incest in real life. my life is like movie/drama or maybe the story in comic book.
i am okay with fiction incest haha.........
