I don’t see what y’all are seeing

frisbee September 30, 2023 9:05 pm

Everyone is cheering on the uke but his character development is teetering on dangerous levels because there is a limit to the headstrong prideful martyr uke trope. Where they accept suffering and justify it; for example the uke saying the seme didn’t have to come and pay the money. Like so you would’ve preferred to be sexually assaulted instead? Some comments even agreeing with this stubbornness…be so serious. Seriously. And from the raws he looks like he’s about to hit that trope full force. Anyways at the end of the manhwa they’re going to get back together so I need the author to make the development…less tropey. Because for the comments saying the uke is different from the obsessive submissive uke; he’s really not he’s just adopting another trope and then he’ll go back to the previous one albeit with more development.

    BamBam September 30, 2023 9:15 pm

    I feel like he’d rather have the mental capacity to try and manage on his own because what we’re forgetting is we’re seeing from a readers perspective, we know the seme may have some feelings for him and wouldn’t let anything happen to him but look at it from the uke’s POV, he thinks the seme doesn’t give a crap about him as he once told him, so I believe he’s thinking it’d be much worse if he was waiting to be rescued and the help doesn’t show up, that would mess him up mentally you know? So in his situation I feel like his actions and words make sense, and I think that’s where those defending him are coming from. Thank gosh he was rescued tho

    satohru September 30, 2023 10:43 pm

    seme already made it clear to him that their relationship was purely transactional and the uke just has too much shit on his plate that he doesn’t want to blindly depend on him anymore. they’re not in any kind of relationship that the seme should care about him. uke merely accepted his fate instead of begging for help, this is what he’s already used to doing even before the seme came to the picture

    frisbee September 30, 2023 11:15 pm
    seme already made it clear to him that their relationship was purely transactional and the uke just has too much shit on his plate that he doesn’t want to blindly depend on him anymore. they’re not in any k... satohru

    if this wasn’t a manhwa with an obvious end game yes I would agree but have you read the chapters properly because the seme is going through the classical rethinking of the relationship. plus yes the seme was a bastard but I think you guys are forgetting the context behind why he even approached the uke. it wasn’t for frivolities. and then again you’re enforcing my point; he’s being a martyr and fitting into the self suffering trope. and about their relationship; the point is that he’s seen that the seme came for him and is STILL trying to disregard how this benefitted him. He literally says thank you but you shouldn’t have come instead of thank you now goodbye. if that was the approach I would’ve been less critical but it’s not. it’s one thing to still side eye a guy who ended things badly and during the situation & not expect anything from him but another to be stubbornly delusional about such a dangerous situation AFTERWARDS. anyways at the end of the day they’re end game and the writing is becoming poor. it’s low-key reminiscent of Pearl Boy but let’s hope for a different outcome.

    frisbee September 30, 2023 11:17 pm
    I feel like he’d rather have the mental capacity to try and manage on his own because what we’re forgetting is we’re seeing from a readers perspective, we know the seme may have some feelings for him and ... BamBam

    I’m talking about after the situation; to still wish he didn’t come to save you just so the author can draw out this angst she’s been pushing and make the uke wallow in self-suffering? it’s so tasteless of them.

    alexa October 1, 2023 4:21 am

    i agree! by the end of this chapter my only thoughts on the uke were “you’re doing too much”