I am not a white person but okay.
You lost me at the word "cis", and no, that didn't come from the Latin language that means "same".
What a brave person you are lol, using ad hominem attacks hold 0 impact on me.
Feminists fight for women/females' rights, it is based on sex, not gender idendity delusion. There's no agenda behind TERFs. Not letting men in Women's spaces is basic women's rights. We won't risk women and children's safety and dignity for the fetishes of autogenyphile.
Transgenderism has nothing to do with same sex attraction, and before you bring up Marsha and how trans women fought for LGB rights, you are wrong.
It was an African-American lesbian who started the riot for LGB rights in U.S, the 2 dudes were just gay men who enjoyed cross-dressing.
Nobody is hateful. Stating biological facts and rejecting a delusion is not hate. Might as well please flat Earthers.
The moment you say "I identify", your argument lose credibility.
Trans people exist, like atheists, flat Earthers, religious people, etc., they are free to live how they wish, the issue is when they impose their beliefs onto others.
Trans people are free to believe they are the opposite sex, but inviding women and children's spaces, changing the word homosexuality and expect us to participate in their delusion is where I draw the line.
You cannot force your religion onto others. Not everyone rejecting trans doctrine wants your death.
As a girl who wants to become a guy i I can't explain my thoughts