
Yami September 30, 2023 7:58 pm

As a girl who wants to become a guy i I can't explain my thoughts

    Karina's lover September 30, 2023 8:12 pm

    You're feteshizing gay men. Yaoi doesn't represent real homosexual men in reality.
    Love yourself

    Tomosen September 30, 2023 10:34 pm
    You're feteshizing gay men. Yaoi doesn't represent real homosexual men in reality.Love yourself Karina's lover

    No, but when I want to f*ck a man, but I don't have anything to do it with?
    But you're right, the other way is appeaping to me, too

    lostikins October 1, 2023 1:11 am
    You're feteshizing gay men. Yaoi doesn't represent real homosexual men in reality.Love yourself Karina's lover

    Is this an underhanded transphobic remark disguised as "yaoi bad?"

    You sound a lot like the TERFs I've had to deal with over on twitter.

    lostikins October 1, 2023 1:13 am
    No, but when I want to f*ck a man, but I don't have anything to do it with?But you're right, the other way is appeaping to me, too Tomosen

    I wouldn't agree with this person.

    I smell TERF kool-aid.

    They basically said "you don't want to be a man, so love yourself as a woman" but disguised it as "you don't want to be a man, yaoi is bad and has brainwashed you into thinking you want to be one."

    Tomosen October 1, 2023 7:30 am
    I wouldn't agree with this person.I smell TERF kool-aid.They basically said "you don't want to be a man, so love yourself as a woman" but disguised it as "you don't want to be a man, yaoi is bad and has brainwa... lostikins

    You could be right about the latter, but I'm bi, and the thought of getting laid my man under me does not disgust me...

    What is "TERF kool-aid"?
    Don't really know the term :/

    Karina's lover October 1, 2023 2:43 pm
    No, but when I want to f*ck a man, but I don't have anything to do it with?But you're right, the other way is appeaping to me, too Tomosen

    A long comment is enough instead of hurting multiple ones, I will still reply to your logical fallacies

    Karina's lover October 1, 2023 2:48 pm
    No, but when I want to f*ck a man, but I don't have anything to do it with?But you're right, the other way is appeaping to me, too Tomosen

    Are you the OP? Is that your second account? Anyways, the OP is a female, a young woman, no matter how wishful she wants to be a man, she cannot.
    She should not hate her body in order to fight against gender stereotypes.
    It is fine to love Yaoi. I hate moral policies, but wanting to be a man so you could can in a "homosexual" relationship with a man, especially gay man/men, is fetishization of gay men

    Karina's lover October 1, 2023 2:52 pm
    Is this an underhanded transphobic remark disguised as "yaoi bad?"You sound a lot like the TERFs I've had to deal with over on twitter. lostikins

    /You sound a lot like the TERFs I've had to with over on Twitter/
    1) what a loser you are for being unhinged from the real world and think a site for mangas and webtoons is Twitter. Oh, Twitter isn't the real life.
    2) Terf isn't an insult, it has been created by trans activists and incels to hate on women caring about women, children and LGB's rights.
    3) Yaoi isn't bad, as long as the consumers don't confuse the fantasy with the real world. When you have delusional people insisting homosexuals like the opposite SEX, and change the definition of homosexuality, it is an issue.
    4) thank you for calling me terf

    Karina's lover October 1, 2023 2:52 pm
    A long comment is enough instead of hurting multiple ones, I will still reply to your logical fallacies Karina's lover

    *instead of replying with multiple

    Karina's lover October 1, 2023 2:55 pm
    I wouldn't agree with this person.I smell TERF kool-aid.They basically said "you don't want to be a man, so love yourself as a woman" but disguised it as "you don't want to be a man, yaoi is bad and has brainwa... lostikins

    You are either born a man or a woman, no amount of wishful thinking will change the biology.
    Pornography ineeded affects the brain and mental health of people, especially young teens who get exposed to sexual content.
    It is fine to like Yaoi and Yuri, or any smut content. But when you have people changing the definition of homosexuality, and man and woman, then this is a huge issue.
    Oh, terf is not an insult

    Karina's lover October 1, 2023 2:57 pm
    No, but when I want to f*ck a man, but I don't have anything to do it with?But you're right, the other way is appeaping to me, too Tomosen

    I apologise for confusing you with @Lostikins by saying "a simple long message is enough instead of multiple replies." I still stand with the rest of my points

    Tomosen October 1, 2023 4:41 pm
    I apologise for confusing you with @Lostikins by saying "a simple long message is enough instead of multiple replies." I still stand with the rest of my points Karina's lover

    No, Im still confused as f... and I just got one point, the rest I didn't understand, I'm dumb :c

    Yami October 1, 2023 7:47 pm
    You're feteshizing gay men. Yaoi doesn't represent real homosexual men in reality.Love yourself Karina's lover

    I think you misunderstood i just don't like being born as girl that's it and while i know the difference between fiction and reality i just don't like people telling me to love myself. Please don't take it in offensive way.

    Karina's lover October 1, 2023 9:57 pm
    No, Im still confused as f... and I just got one point, the rest I didn't understand, I'm dumb :c Tomosen

    You aren't dumb. Which point confused you?/ genuine question

    Karina's lover October 1, 2023 9:59 pm
    I think you misunderstood i just don't like being born as girl that's it and while i know the difference between fiction and reality i just don't like people telling me to love myself. Please don't take it in o... Yami

    I did not take it in an offensive way. It's fine, we live in a sexist, mostly misogynistic world that enforce gender roles into people especially women.
    And yes, wishful thinking does not change our sex. Have a great day

    Tomosen October 1, 2023 11:08 pm
    You aren't dumb. Which point confused you?/ genuine question Karina's lover

    My og language isn't english, so most of it didn't connect the way they should have... I think my mind is still processing it and I will need to come back later to sort think out... I don't really read things with these words :/

    lostikins October 2, 2023 4:23 am
    You are either born a man or a woman, no amount of wishful thinking will change the biology. Pornography ineeded affects the brain and mental health of people, especially young teens who get exposed to sexual c... Karina's lover

    Boohoo cracker. All I heard was a bunch of homophobic, transphobic rhetoric oozing from your replies.

    Also, you say this shit is "misogynistic", but you're discrediting the large percentage of transfem individuals who wish to live as women-- who you supposed "feminists" have deemed to not be worthy of being "true" women.

    You don't want equality and you don't even want women-- CIS or trans-- to be happy. It's all about your own personal agendas and shaming those who don't want anything to do with it.

    Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Maybe take a shower and go outside every once in a while. Might help you realize how fucking braindead you really are lol

    lostikins October 2, 2023 4:29 am
    You could be right about the latter, but I'm bi, and the thought of getting laid my man under me does not disgust me...What is "TERF kool-aid"?Don't really know the term :/ Tomosen

    "Karina's lover" is basically being transphobic.

    They are saying the same things homophobes, TERFs ((trans exclusionary radical feminists)) and just bigots in general use to harm the trans community.

    All in all, someone very ignorant and very hateful towards people just wanting to live their lives.

    They don't believe the T+ in LGBT+ should exist.

    lostikins October 2, 2023 4:31 am
    I think you misunderstood i just don't like being born as girl that's it and while i know the difference between fiction and reality i just don't like people telling me to love myself. Please don't take it in o... Yami

    Karina is gonna take offense 'cause by simply stating that you don't wish to be born a woman and potentially trans they have deemed you a misogynist and a traitor.

    They don't believe that trans individuals are real and that whatever gender you were born is the only one you can be. You cannot change yourself in any way-- even if that change could ultimately lead to your happiness.

    Yami October 2, 2023 7:56 am
    I did not take it in an offensive way. It's fine, we live in a sexist, mostly misogynistic world that enforce gender roles into people especially women.And yes, wishful thinking does not change our sex. Have a... Karina's lover

    I know it doesn't change get a life man people are allowed to wish