I agree but I think it's really important to keep in mind that the only reason she lived in her 5th life was because Ragna actually saved her. Then, little by little, all of the impact from having lived 4 lives and dying excruciatingly at the hands of people she'd thought she could trust and love, hit her breaking her sanity down as she continued to live with the full impact of all of that trauma. As someone with CPTSD, a part of me understands her mental health decline and that terrifies me at the same time. Nonetheless though, I think that the way its so gradual that her mentality declines was portrayed so well. The issue I have is the lack of madness; although, that may be be where the development she has into "the bride of the evil dragon" comes into play as she does talk about being broken and developing a coldness. I think instead of developing a madness she instead develops an "indifference" or an "apathy" about the world around her and instead of going insane because of all of her trauma, she develops an "obsession" with the one individual she knew would come to save her: Ragna (who saves her twice and then punishes those who hurt her). I think the psychological side of this is fascinating because it's almost like "falling in love with your kidnapper" but make it an "obsession with a killer who has been stalking you" kinda vibe. It's horrible all the way around but it's a portrayal that I've not seen in manga of the same genera before. It also offers a completely unique portrayal of isekai and the use of possession, precondition, and "returner" in a twisted fantasy. It's so interesting! In a dark kind of way.

It does matter, despite what others may say. I can understand that. It's definitely not for everyone because of how gruesome it can get but I do think that there are elements that portray the degradation of one's perspective on their mental health when having experienced trauma. I do want to clarify that I meant no negativity when I replied. I just wanted to point out what a good example some of this played in portraying what it's like to have experienced trauma. It also shows the extreme thinking that can sometimes happen through intrusive thoughts, as Ragna, in someone who is traumatized- whether it's physical revenge or daydreams about karma taking the abuser by the throat, there is a huge variety in the type and level of anger and twisted-ness. That was all I really meant to add on. :) This is a very stomach-churning story - that's entirely true - but there are a lot of people who have experienced some of the stuff in this story and the dark elements speak some truth when compared to "the evils within" and the "emptiness" one can feel after being traumatized. It's also true that some people become infatuated with the gruesome daydreams and the idea of executing those intrusive thoughts onto the people or person who hurt them. I feel like the imagery and use of personifying these twisted, damaged parts of people who have been traumatized was an amazing concept. And I think this story is great because it shows a "truth" - she was so hurt that those around her were shocked but no one truly stood up for her to make anything happen until Ragna showed up and took charge, the embodiment of evil and grudge - he showed others how ugly life can be and once she and Ragna were gone, everything went back to normal, like nothing happened. That shows how cruel life truly is sometimes. Even if you have people who grow to care about you, they could move on like all of the damage and hurt and destruction never happened. It's truly so bitter and it's perfect imagery for trauma because it's invisible. Ragna showed how menacing those kinds of thoughts and behaviors could be, to the point it's disturbing, but that's the point -> trauma is like this and those kinds of revenge ideas and the thoughts of hurting those people back are real. This story is a perfect analogy for trauma in the everyday, real world. One minute people care and help to take care of those who caused the trauma (usually right before you lose yourself to depression or mania), they'll push for just as long as your anger burns, then once they feel that enough has happened, they are done - and what are you supposed to do after? How do you heal from something that destroyed you as a person? You become listless and aimless, you don't have any clue how to be a normal person again and so you choose to leave this world. Because sometimes it's harder and more painful to try and live in a world where no one understands your broken sense of self than just choose to leave it. And even in the end, it's your choice - and that's why this story is so impactful and uncomfortable. Because people don't feel comfortable dwelling on the past and their regrets, they will often act as if "it's all in the past..." and subsequently forget about the pain of those who died, resulting in everyone acting as if those who have died never lived at all. That's why I like this story. For the same reason it's uncomfortable. It's because there is an extremely ugly truth under it all - it's reprentitive of the mistreatment of traumatized people (aka victims, if you want to refer to them as that) and the ugliness that can permeate as a result of neglecting those who have been traumatized. All for it to not matter at the end because people and life moves on.

Well, if you understand this, why are you still detailing your thoughts ? I feel like it’s something you can perfectly do somewhere else than in reply to my comment saying I didn’t enjoy the story. I mean no agression in this, just that I find it weird that you absolutely want to come around and evoke the opposite point of view, because you legit arrive saying : I understand what you mean BUT listen look there are many great things in that story, here is the list ! I kinda feel a bit bothered because it looks like you’re trying to argue with me about why I disliked the story and trying to make me change my point of view on it. Which won’t happen. The fact I said “it didn’t matter”, wasn’t because in all perspective my opinion doesn’t matter, but because for someone like you that has enjoyed several points of the stories and has developed their opinion just like you did in the past replies, it shouldn’t matter. You enjoy what you want to. I just feel like I’m allowed to post about this story and explain why I didn’t enjoy it, why it made me uncomfortable. You can say that it is interesting and it shows well how she develops an apathy etc, that doesn’t make it less disturbing, for me at the very least.
Please, discuss about why you liked that story with someone that equally did, and don’t try to make such developed answer on a post that is clearly isn’t appreciating as much as you did, i just feel pressured to explain and justify my opinion, while I shouldn’t have to.

I'm sorry, I didn't take that perspective into consideration. You're completely right, I should have posted that somewhere not in reply to your comment. I really didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I just thought that there could be elements that others missed so I wanted to point them out; and, I got too excited with the analogies and imagery. I didn't mean to come across like I was directing it at you. The actual point I was trying to make was that I agreed with you, though. It's is a twisted and uncomfortable story. I was just trying to expand on why it was uncomfortable. Why does it make people cringe, you know? The analysis of "why does this make me uncomfortable" is all that I liked about the story, not the actual story. I mean to be clearer that I was agreeing with you, I am sorry for the misunderstanding. Also, thank you for being so detailed and putting it so clearly and politely. I really appreciate that you kept it a conversation (especially since I didn't intend to make it an argument), rather than just getting angry, or not replying. I appreciate your patience. I really do agree with you, this is really difficult to read and it is totally gruesome. I kinda wish they had added a trigger warning for people who may not have expected such heavy, dark concepts. Especially a tag that including r*pe, torture, or dark psychological, I think would be helpful.

It’s okay, despite the different shared opinion, it was good to have a talk with you as it stayed civil and agreeable. It really wouldn’t have been constructive to just get angry or anything, especially when you didn’t seem to mean any harm. To be completely honest, I was also afraid to come across as rude when I expressed my precious statements
The tag would definitely be helpful ! I think a lot of people are really shocked by what they’re actually reading through, as well as you say that story is quite unique in itself and go on a path that has been rarely taken. So you can think about having your typical reincarnated story and instead you stumble on something quite more complex and darker as well.

I Feel Like you kind of gotta put yourself in her shoes, she remembers every single one of her lives, being tortured, betrayed, and killed over and over again, she already said her self that she didnt even care about the revenge. Regardless it was purely because it was for her husband and mistaking him being the only person who was capable, and saw what happened to her, was completely on her side to then to get angry and enact revenge on them regardless if they remembered or not. Her being passive, it literally like she said ( T~T ) she doesn’t care ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ as long as her husband is having fun. He already said himself that she was beyond more broken than she thought herself, lowk think thats why her mind was so susceptible to him making her like him, Honestly even though I said it was him being on her side they really do love each other and it was such a good read for real! all the emotions were displayed so perfectly too(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Except that this could hardly pass as love, it’s more infatuation and obsession. He makes her like him and totally manipulate him because like you say, she has become broken and doesn’t care about anything. That still doesn’t make it any easy to watch, she is playing right into the dragon’s hands, he admits it, and maybe the fact she doesn’t care is the most terrible. Yes she lived something terrible, hence why she became that way, but that love is really twisted. It’s not about happiness in the end, definitely not.
It also doesn’t mean we can’t get horrified at the way other male leads are treated. Sure they killed her in past lives but are we also forgetting they were manipulated ? I feel like this is an important detail to forget about that’s all. How can you blame someone and kill / torture someone when they weren’t even really conscious of their actions ?
She doesn’t care and she let the dragon do whatever he wants but his morality is beyond repair, he thinks it’s equal to inflict suffering on the guys given what happened in the past lives, but the thing is that it’s a new life and like I already said, they were manipulated, you can clearly see they wouldn’t have acted that way like the knight that tries to avoid her because he knows what he’s doing isn’t what he wants to do. It leads to a lot of bloodshed that in the end isn’t even satisfying, it’s just straight up cruel.
No like, the punishment may be satisfying to some extend but seriously, they’re both crazy. Like they’re worth each other, their relationship is toxic af and it’s insanely unhealthy but they’re happy so … yay I guess??
Honestly this was going so far I was feeling bad for the other male leads, and gosh she’s so … she doesn’t have any feeling, she’s playing right into that dragon’s hands and she’s changed into a non human without even BLINKING an eye wtf. All the time she’s just : “if you have fun with it then im alright”. Like this is so passive it’s annoying. I thought at least there would be the acknowledgment of oh he may be turning me into a demon wait- but instead it’s just “I love you” and the dragon is literally taking advantage of that and admitting it ? I didn’t enjoy this at all