
Oh God! Thank you so much for these spoilers and explanations. I usually read the raws and don't understand shit and then I get confused with the English release since I forget the order and chronology of events. It's the case for most of the BLs I follow. I should stick to Eng. release and wait for the translation but I cannot help checking out the raws lol Anyways, I can't wait for these two to have a proper conversation until then, they make me laugh with their stubbornness!
When Garam was in high school, he had fallen inlove with a guy friend. Unfortunately, the mom found out and she blatantly mocked Garam in fron of his parents, saying he's a devil and such (yk the homophobic speech plus religion *rollseyes*). This guy classmate also blamed Garam, that Garam was the one who approached him and turned him gay (it was obvious thr guy had feelings for him but didn't have the balls to fight apparently). From then on, Garam swore never to be in any serious relationship coz it seems that even if he did, he would end up the one hurting.
Enter Jaehyuk who, surprise surprise~, is obviously developing feelings for Garam even if he's in denial. Garam knows (he ain't an idiot like Jaehyuk lol) Jaehyuk is falling for him so he decided to stop their roommate w/ benefits deal.
Jaehyuk didn't take this well so he said "you think you're the only one I could sleep with?!" and stormed out of their room. From then on, they weren't talking. The university festival came and Jaehyuk was still bitter and taunting Garam, he tried having seggs w/ a girl but his elephant was wilted. LMAO
Anyways, it is probably obvious to us readers that Garam is already feeling some type of way for Jaehyuk as well. But him cutting of their RWB is more to protect himself in my opinion.
Anyways, I hope Jaehyuk gets his shit together and just accept the fact that he's at least bi at this point. And apologize to Garam, like talk it out you guys, I want lovey-dovey action both in and out of bed because I know for a fact Jaehyuk when truly in love is a very thoughtful guy (saw a glimpse of that when he was with Garam - if he isn't thinking about his ass that is lol). Same with Garam, I think he can be the one to get Jaehyuk to seriously take his studies and his life seriously. (≧∀≦)