Oh, I LOVE this comment! Wish I could upvote a MILLION times. My thoughts exactly. And, actually, I think I agree with you about the second story whereas before I thought I might actually like it. But you explained how Aida was really just trying to salve his own conscience rather than actually protecting the uke from being hurt.

I like the first story. I agree that Hayato is utter *shit* at communicating, but that's a two-way street and Jun repeatedly just accepted things without standing up for himself. As for picking friends over the lover, I'd have to say I'd rush straight to the hospital if a friend got stabbed, too. I always got the impression that Hayato, in his own silent way, just wanted to make sure Jun was out of the line of fire. The ex is *clearly* unstable, and though he was willing to risk his own safety for his best friend, he was *not* willing to risk Jun's.
The birthday thing I'm not so willing to let go, though. Seriously, Hayato, would it have been so terribly hard to say, "I won't be here tomorrow, a friend is going through some trouble and I need to be there for him. If you come over the day after, though, we'll celebrate your birthday then." None of this double exclamation point texting bullshit! That's a shitty way to treat anyone, not just a lover!
I think he's got potential to learn, though. And Jun, like he said himself, has to learn to stand up for himself. I think they'll make it, and I think in the long run they'll be good for each other, but they *both* had unhealthy relationship habits that this brought out, and I'm glad something shone a light on them.
Second story I HAAAAAAAAATE! *Both* semes are utter *dicks*, and the uke needs to learn to value himself and not just step aside with a broken heart all the time! You're so right about that one!

This manga published in 2006. For some reason 10 years ago abusive semes were popular and considered to be cool. Because of that Minase Masara's works are full of this kind of scumbaggery. Her recent works are not bad but, still not good enough for new-tens. Also at that time many yaoi mangaka didn't know anything about homosexuals. That's why there are so many cringeworthy yaoi made between 1990's and 2011.

Uh, no. Everybody has insecurities. The people who prey on them are the ones responsible.
That includes Hayato. Full. Stop..Did you forget that Jun went to Hayato's apartment to confront him? Yeah we see how well that turned out didn't we? Hayato makes everything worse then takes none of the blame. Typical actions of a gaslighting abuser.
I never got the impression that you gave. If he had he would have said something when they were finally coming clean to each other. Not one mention of how he wanted to keep him safe.
The OP is saying that Hayato seems willing to rush to his friend's bedside while not caring to visit his lover's bedside. I 100 % agree. KT.

Absolutely agree! And is anyone else disturbed by the fact that these businesses are so willing to give out their employees home addresses to random people? Maybe things are different in Japan, but still. That's just safety.

Totally agree with you. Most people on here talk about how much Hayato sucks, but they forget that Jun (yes, I feel really bad for him) never tried to talk things out - the bartender even said it.
The second story - both semes are jerks and the uke deserves better. The sempai says that he didn't want to hurt the uke because of his past, but what he did was worse than the previous guy (made the uke think he was cheater, blamed him for cheating, then went on to have a "happy" life). The new seme knew everything and allowed the uke to think he did something horrible, and tried to stay with the uke after it all came out (if I were the uke, I would've told them both to get out, after chewing them out for what they did)... and the uke's friend, he knew most of what was going on and didn't tell the uke - not cool, even if you're doing it to protect your friend.

Nope, most people are like YOU. They talk about how Hayato isn't responsible for his abusive behavior. It's just that for once more people came out of the woodwork and acknowledged what an abusive a-hole he is than they normally do and you think that the rate of that happening is actually higher than it is because you're so used to people agreeing with YOUR status quo.
Jun DID try to talk things out with him and we saw what happened there, didn't we? You neither read my post nor the story did you...? What I thought. AW. Hayato had PLENTY of opportunities to talk to Jun yet he NEVER did yet you aren't calling HIM out for that without making yet ANOTHER false equivalence about Jun. And when it comes time to talk about Jun, you don't turn around and make the same false equivalence about Hayato. Wonder why.... Actually, no, I don't, because you explained it in the next part of your post.
Hayato had NONE of the same reasons for what HE did that the uke's first lover did in the second story. But you're blaming HIM more than HAYATO???? AND you're blaming BOTH semes who actually APOLOGIZED to the second uke more than HIM, as well...??? You're just blaming Hayato, clearly, because he got caught. If he hadn't got caught you wouldn't be blaming him, AT ALL, now would you...? KTBN.

1. You need to chill out - this is a fictional story, people are allowed to have different opinions. I don't want a reply to this (I'm going to be muting this thread anyway), I don't even really care if you read the whole thing - I just want you know that you're overreacting about a manga, about something that has no bearing on real life.
2. No, I didn't read your reply - I wasn't even talking to you. I replied to someone who shared a somewhat similar point of view. I have read the manga though, more than once, in fact, and the more I read it, the more I analyse and try to understand what the characters might be thinking/feeling.
3. What status quo? I'm really confused as to what you're referencing because I don't know you, so I don't know how you can profess to know anything about me.
3. I never excused Hayato for anything - he's an inconsiderate jerk. What I was mentioning was Jun not actually confronting Hayato. You got 1 thing right, we saw Jun go to Hayato's and we saw what happened - Jun ran away *without* talking to him (Ch2 pg14-17). This is totally, 100% understandable, but still a misunderstanding). Again, Jun's boss even points that out (Ch2 pg26-28). That was all I said about that - these are my feelings on the subject, that's all.
4. Yes, Hayato had plenty of opportunities to explain things to Jun, and he didn't (tbh I don't think he even realised that Jun was insecure about their relationship or that he knew he was rushing off to see his ex - who he thinks of as a good friend. Ch2 pg8, he says he got dragged into trouble by a friend, he seems to think that this is an explanation and that Jun is fine with it (because he says he understands) - not trying to take the blame off him, just pointing out that he's an idiot.) - that does not make him abusive, or a gaslighter, it means he's inconsiderate and stupid - which the bartender also says (calls him slow).
5. I also never said anything about the uke's 1st lover - just mentioned that the sempai was worse (what he did sucked, but he had the guts to end it properly, unlike sempai who used dirty tricks and made the uke hate himself)... and that I think he's way worse than Hayato (Hayato's an eejit, but what sempai did was just plain dirty. The new seme, the breakup artist, is a jerk for being a part of it and tricking the uke. Great, they apologised, only because they got caught (remember, sempai was doing well when the uke found out everything, and he had known the whole situation with his family long before setting the uke up)... the new one gives one, crappy apology (Ch5 pg13) - at least sempai did seem sorry for what he did - doesn't change the fact that he hired someone to make it look like his boyfriend was cheating so that he had an excuse to yell at him and leave (just because he "didn't want to hurt" the uke). Those 2 were manipulative.
6. No, I'm not just blaming Hayato because he got caught - he's a jerk through the whole story... though if he hadn't been caught, would there even be a manga?
I'm done now; congrats on if you read all of this, if not, meh - like I said, I don't care. I only answered this because I'm tired of seeing people freak out at others over such trivial matters.
this one broke my heart. At first I was like "good read" but upon introspect these stories really upset me. The 1st couple, Jun, poor baby just pining away for years over some asshat who puts "friends" over lover. Even if the whole childhood friends turned lovers turned friends; the situation with the "friend" calling out the current lover to straighten out the situation, blurg. Yuck, just messy and uncalled for. That should an exchange between the 2 people who are in the relationship together. And the poor bartender, in love with Jun but Jun wants a jerk.
The 2nd couple, WOW, really no good men around this little uke, shit even the best friend is a dick (knew the whole situation and still kept it to himself). So if things arent going well in your life you keep it from your lover, hire someone to put him in a precarious position so you can break up with a clean conscience. Um, no, that just doesnt sit well with me, I get that he is trying to grow up or be responsible or whatever but seriously that is a conversation you should have with your lover and not take some coward's way out.
Oh I almost forgot about 100% success rate dick head, for him I think the uke should just use him for a few good f*cks and then leave him. And i did not like the fact that he was so worried over his job, the uke should get him fired. Plus asshole the job you are so concerned about makes you look like a sleazeball, so go get a real job if you really want to stay with the uke.
sorry for the bad grammar