Cain is the most pathetic character ever

nanigurl37 September 30, 2023 1:37 am

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like none of these characters. I don’t have any pairing that I support, but I keep reading cuz it’s like a train wreck you can’t look away. The reason I think Cain is so pathetic is simple, he is obsessed being someone dog and the one thing that I agree with this whole story is his his family’s reaction. You have this man attempting to throw away his whole life to be with Jooin (mind you Jooin doesn’t even know), only to finally come back and find out he didn’t wait for you and he got back with Yahwi. That is so pathetic because that’s exactly what’s gonna happen. He doing the same shit as Yahwi but will be the only one to suffer. No redemption for Cain. No excuses for Jooin to forgive him and give him a second chance. Nope. Jooin will be with Yahwi so Cain is literally nothing but a pathetic, loyal dog giving up his life for no reason.
