Guys guys

ke . September 29, 2023 3:29 pm

Thinking back on it (haters say I don’t ponder), I feel like the disgust-evoking choices jk made were intentional from the author as a means to add like depth or something??? Like a “look guy[s], he make mistake, he not perfect, he interesting, not just hot guy ” and it’s kind of funny to me because you don’t have to make a character so blatantly shitty just to add to their ‘depth’ or sense of humanity (sobbing bc ig thats not common knowledge among these smut authors). I say ‘depth’ bc making them a ‘grapist hot man but like their father walked out at age 10 so he can commit terrorism and several war crimes is okay guys bc he’s damaged’ is not really what I’d consider good and proper characterization. I say this but I can still enjoy trashy smuts and stuff. And so I wonder, ponder, if you will, if the author drew this and went “yup, that's good” and went ahead with this chapter. The only thing I can think of is that it was 1.) supposed to make jk look flattering bc people would think him being an insecure little fucktard is hot af OR 2,) supposed to make him “damaged and interesting”

Either way, it’s all so bad it’s almost funny. Pretty boy was so right and justified leaving that penthouse with a look of disgust. Jk is such an icky icky guy in this chapter (if not overall)
