I have to say thiss.....

taeyahhhh_03 September 29, 2023 11:11 am

I'm having a fucking blast in this comment section cause y'all trolls are goddamn hilarious especially the one who called jae baby girl......cause man also y'all pressed about people criticizing jinx should know that people can criticize something and still read and enjoy it.......y'all should remember there something called hate read where they literally invest their time reading something out of pure raw hatred..(y'all should check out scum villain saving system cause the mc does that and ends up in that novel he hates.....lmao I would not want that with jinx) ...many people do it!! I don't cause I only stick around for them comments y'all put~

    Mikaela September 29, 2023 8:29 pm
    we aint homies~ they are pining over me thats' it!! taeyahhhh_03

    I meant yall still my homies lmao.

    Mikaela September 29, 2023 8:29 pm
    we aint homies~ they are pining over me thats' it!! taeyahhhh_03

    I meant yall are still my homies lmao.

    Tmsmyz September 29, 2023 8:43 pm
    Of course I still disagree with a lot of points, but I stopped fighting with them. I still think there is rape in the story and don't like Jae but that's me. Yall still are homies. Mikaela

    I, TM, think Jae is dull. SM has not read Jinx. Tora is a straight man and has no interest in Jae. Rose doesn't like Jae. Mi Amore - do know how quiet and reserved Jae gets? That aspect reminds her of her Korean boyfriend. HOWEVER, he is nowhere near as toxic as Jae. She likes one aspect, the quiet and reserved, part of Jae but not the toxic part. She is disappointed in the story. It is not right for Min or Tae to change our views or opinions.

    It is okay for someone to think there is rape. It is okay to think it is only sexual abuse, and rape is a form of sexual abuse. While I think it is odd, and I will question the person but it would be okay if a person thinks there is no sexual abuse. There are many different POVs. We all can be homies with different POVs. It is not us who is causing the issues.

    It seems Min believes in false information that has been spread. It shows with the "member of a Jaekyung cult"? Ha! Rose is a separate person. I was never that way towards anyone. I felt so cringed after mocking a cyber bully. So, I don't know how Rose is doing it.

    And no, if Rose's messages were read no one is singled out or "pined" for. She is acting that way to stop cyberbullying to make it where we can disagree but be "homies" instead of fighting. It is her third comment in this thread. She has been doing this for about 2 weeks now?? She did this because she got sick of hearing of cyberbullies tell me to go kill myself. She got tired of how I was treated for standing up for her in June. She is returning the favor because she left and gave what the bullies wanted. We are aware the haters are trying to silence the target audience. Look at Min's first reply. We are fighting so the target audience can express their opinions. Tae with that divorce comment was ridiculous and just a personal attack. So not cool man. Min and Tae are not the target audience and are hostile. Rose will keep doing what she is doing until the haters stop attacking others and the target audience takes back over the topics. It really is awful how Min and Tae treated Rose who was just mocking them.

    I know I emailed that to you, Mikaekla. I just wanted to support Rose and educate people.

    taeyahhhh_03 September 29, 2023 8:47 pm
    I meant yall still my homies lmao. Mikaela

    ok ok! u my homie too bruv!

    taeyahhhh_03 September 29, 2023 8:48 pm

    omg mikeala run pls~
    the degenerate is back!!!

    Tmsmyz September 29, 2023 8:57 pm
    I meant yall are still my homies lmao. Mikaela

    "omg mikeala run pls~
    the degenerate is back!!!"

    I think I let you explain... again.... smh. sigh........ facepalm.

    Mikaela September 29, 2023 9:04 pm
    I, TM, think Jae is dull. SM has not read Jinx. Tora is a straight man and has no interest in Jae. Rose doesn't like Jae. Mi Amore - do know how quiet and reserved Jae gets? That aspect reminds her of her Korea... Tmsmyz

    Well, of course it is okay to have different opinions, that's what makes it entertaining talking about certain stories! I will always stand by to never tell someone to ''kys'' as I know how damaging it can be. I've Been cyber bullied, been trough that, so I literally know what it can do to someone's mental health, so I hope it gets better for you. Talking about Jae, as much as I don't like the character, I at least like the determination and passion he has for his sport. I can imagine how his pride will fall apart when he loses. (Been trough that as well, my ass was humbled so bad. ). One of the traits for a character development can be accepting loss.

    Mikaela September 29, 2023 9:10 pm
    omg mikeala run pls~the degenerate is back!!! taeyahhhh_03

    It's okay bro, TMSM and I are cool now. Found common ground as people say! I still can't get over people calling Jae baby girl. Now I'll imagine him as a baby girl.

    taeyahhhh_03 September 29, 2023 9:12 pm
    It's okay bro, TMSM and I are cool now. Found common ground as people say! I still can't get over people calling Jae baby girl. Now I'll imagine him as a baby girl. Mikaela

    damn youre a different breed bruv
    also jae being a bay girl with cauliflowers for ears and a horse face instad of a normal one makes sense!!

    Mikaela September 29, 2023 9:16 pm
    damn youre a different breed bruvalso jae being a bay girl with cauliflowers for ears and a horse face instad of a normal one makes sense!! taeyahhhh_03

    I am peace.
    Now I am worried people will find for my fav characters their animal twin. Don't want that for my lovely husband Haru.

    taeyahhhh_03 September 29, 2023 9:19 pm
    I am peace.Now I am worried people will find for my fav characters their animal twin. Don't want that for my lovely husband Haru. Mikaela

    lmao i do that too! even for irl people honestly~
    its most of the time its cute but since jaekyung is a lil shit he's a dank horse

    Mikaela September 29, 2023 9:27 pm
    lmao i do that too! even for irl people honestly~its most of the time its cute but since jaekyung is a lil shit he's a dank horse taeyahhhh_03

    Excuse me, r e a l p e o p l e ? Now I am fucking afraid of meeting people like you, damn. I think I'll cry being compared to a horse lmao

    taeyahhhh_03 September 29, 2023 9:35 pm
    Excuse me, r e a l p e o p l e ? Now I am fucking afraid of meeting people like you, damn. I think I'll cry being compared to a horse lmao Mikaela

    ayo i mean liek comparing a person to a cute cat~
    there's this one celeb I like who is pretty much puppy coded like everything he does reminds me of a puppy so hence comparing him to a puppy~

    chevy September 30, 2023 1:15 am
    Why because she is honest? You used the wrong adjective. Loser. She is a genius. You are dumb. BelovedRose

    it was a compliment