Haters/ trolls/ cyber bullies once I am mistreated or it is known they are haters loses my respect. Blame the other haters. They will be met with their own toxic behavior in a more constructive manner. Speaking their language.
I am not hostile.
And taeyahhhh has attacked me and many others. Damn rape apologist.

you think you being a rape survivor puts you on a fucking pedestal no one can touch? you call people loser repeatedly, link to other people's account and tell others to go harass these people and then turn around and claim to be spreading love. go eat shit you lowlife. "i'm a RApE sUrViVoR" go get therapy then bitch, why are strangers on the internet supposed to cater to and baby you?

Min…. Who blocked me? No my Bitch. You are the fucking loser attacking a rape survivor mocking cyber bullying who is defending herself from losers like you. You are only judging people like you. You are useless. You are a disgrace and a failure. You are monster. You are the reason I am mocking cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is obnoxious. Shut the fuck up and stop being obnoxious if you hate it so much. Hypocrite.
I'm having a fucking blast in this comment section cause y'all trolls are goddamn hilarious especially the one who called jae baby girl......cause man also y'all pressed about people criticizing jinx should know that people can criticize something and still read and enjoy it.......y'all should remember there something called hate read where they literally invest their time reading something out of pure raw hatred..(y'all should check out scum villain saving system cause the mc does that and ends up in that novel he hates.....lmao I would not want that with jinx) ...many people do it!! I don't cause I only stick around for them comments y'all put~