tell me im wrong!!!!

Mangapote September 28, 2023 10:03 pm

Wait so like, did that horrible scum piece of a brother, only beat ruby or did he do sexual things to her to? idk I'm kinda getting the vibe and if im right I swear that F**KING BASTERD OMFG

    The Last Unicorn September 28, 2023 11:47 pm

    THIS!! I'm so scared that he's SAing Ruby, because I'm also getting that vibe from him. He creeps me out.

    Baka Maki September 29, 2023 12:19 am

    Spoiler .
    He didn't sexualy assault her but he beat her awfully , and also your sense isn't wrong he's piece of shet which lusts over his sis (idc even if she's not blood related to him) still disgusting of him .but dw good chapters will come soon , maybe in between 10 or so chaps Iske will finally find out truth.

    Takucchi September 29, 2023 3:41 am

    Spoiler in addition to this ^


    He did sexually harass her, but not to the extent of r**e. Like he inappropriately touches her and sits her in his lap where she can't really resist or negate his advances (ex, family dinner and in public), because he makes it look "harmless" doting for his sister.

    He's fucking disgusting.