This is my least favorite trope in BL comics. “Character pushes other character into doing position they don’t prefer, but refuses to be flexible themselves.” It’s just not how sexual compatibility works in the real world, at least in healthy relationships. If you asked a real gay man if he would be cool with permanently changing his preferred position without any level of compromise on his partners part, you would probably get slapped. What’s worse is he didn’t even listen to requests to stop or boundaries during the first time, resulting in pain and the bottom just “bearing with it.” Not good. Can’t see myself rooting for these two

please say it louder!!! like, is your love for this person limited to your positions during sex?? this entirely one sided compromise doesn't sit right with me. No conversation was had, no choice or consent was given, didn't even ask if he was okay with it.. until after he'd already had his way. and even then I didn't sense any genuine concern about whether or not Dojun was okay with it. Instead he touches his dick and goes "but you won't be able to use this with me". that actually pissed me off.
so no I can't bring myself to root for these two. Dojun deserves better imo!

He was essentially forced to bottom with no time to mentally prepare or consent properly the first time, and he was still literally scared the second time they had sex... but ofc Taeseok was too busy enjoying himself to care. it really pisses me off when manipulative behavior is disguised as "like" or "love" so the other person feels like they need to go along with everything.

Both you hit the nail on the issue. Taeseok is showcased as the "caring" lover that Dojun never has had. But he started out being sexually attracted Dojun and made the physical relationship work for his preference. Dojun is making so much comprising for him and while he would like to be in a reverseable relationship, it then becomes a "haha, no worries" I guess that's asking for too much situation.....

oof you said it so perfectly, word for word. I am genuinely so glad that there are others who see the issue as I see it. Their sex scenes have been uncomfortable for me to read, and made me sad for Dojun tbh - even tho like you said Taeseok is supposed to be this "good" lover he's never had. He prioritized his own wants without so much as a moment of consideration for Dojun's.. the fact that he even brought up wanting to top but then instantly took it back like "haha just kidding" made me sad. Since Taeseok doesn't want to bottom then he has to be the one to give in whether he likes it or not. And people are mistaking that for consent. "he could push him off if he really didn't want to" but its not that simple. For someone in his psychological state, he's probably afraid it'd mean having to end the relationship.

the "I guess that'd be asking for too much" part!! sex is an act between two people.. catering to each other's wants and needs is a two way street. But it's so one-sided here that it's frustrating. Taeseok is the only one enjoying this and getting what he wants and Dojun just has to lay there and take it?! "I'll make you feel so good you'll forget about the pain" physical pleasure isn't the only thing thats important, if your partner isn't mentally and emotionally on board with the process of it he irks me!
This would be so much hotter if they were switch couple. The ML topped the MC even though he never really wanted to, so why the ML is so hesitant it try it out is dummbbbbbbbbb