Lorreina: well she is one loser dumb bitch. Lorreinas "healing power" was always weak. Lorreinas real power was politics so she was able to transform everything for her own achievement. In fact, lorreina was using fraud to enchant people and to make everyone hate Sienna because Sienna is actually the child of purification and the strongest Terraformer since the prosperity era. So even when Lorreina stole siennas power it was only 10% of capacity. Absolutely useless. Lets say loreeina was doing "dark magic" and actually every time she used her Healy magic she was also stealiignt he vitality of the person she was healing so it was never healing, it was a lie and people where going to die. In the second lifetime lorreina has no spotlight and actually suffers tremendously (like very bad). She is a narcissist but a dumb one. The real villain is Duke of Eurus who is her sponsor and manipulates her. There is a point where she uses so much of her magic which is fraud in realty that her face starts to fuckign melt and she is full of pus, blood and dead skin like I have no idea how are they going to draw that. Also she commits canibalism.... like yeah her power comes from eating people. And yeah she dies but her life was miserably because she hated Sienna so much and wanted to take her spotlight but could never so 10/10 her sufferment. In her first time line she died because the Nacht will found out everything because as soon as Sienna died the whole world was filled with fraud and corrupted magic and they figure out they were mentally manipulated from the start so there was no pure magic anymore holding the world so yeah

Sienna: so Sienna has her named right? and she is a terraformer as well but the only thing she didn't have was healing magic but guessed what?! she was able to create healing magic with the flames of Hesaros so she surpassed Loreina in everything. Loreina and Duke euros sent a bunch of beast to attack the Duke of Nacht (the father) so Lorena would have an opportunity to "heal him", Sienna knowing this realized she needed to heal him somehow or Loreina would come back so she figures it out and create the first ever healing magic without being a healer. Because of this she was able to heal the emperor that in the first time was "healed" by lorreina. In this present lifetime the emperor loves Sienna and cares for her as his real granddaughter which in fact she becomes. After the duke died the crown princess adopted her and she becomes part of the royal family who everyone loved. Sienna will keep her distance with the Nacht until she turns 18. Now remember when I said that Sienna was Ashiel heart? well Sienna is having some problem with her time axis and it gets worse when she uses too much magic that she actually vomits blood. WEEEELL Her time is Ashiel so they are connected with each other, heart and time. So there is going to be a fight against a beast and Sienna uses too much of her own power and goes weak, then Ashiel holds her and says "forgive me" and kisses her and she was able to be healed. After this encounter they start to become closer and Sienna admits she Neve really hated them, she was just genuinely afraid they were going to betrayed her and abandoned her again. But yeah she does ends up with Ashield although she has other 2 love interest, a duke and Lou, a boy of the orphanage who is actually the lost son of the crown princess. Sienna admits her love for Ashield almost at the end so this story is pretty much 80% she making them suffer so slay queen and 20% of accepting them and loving them. Oh she will marry Ashiel secretly withough guest and becomes pregnant with twins. I forgot to mention this with Ashiel but he literally becomes her servant. Sometimes calling her master because he truly feels he lives for her and considers her as his goddess so 10/10. There is no smut but she does have sex with Ashiel and it's greatly implied.

One thing i like about this story so far is that the brothers relationship arent forced to become family with her like literally fam where it becomes feels like incest if one of them ends up with her, which one did. Ngl with houw the story so far, 40chaps, I thought the younger is the end game nahah

Oh yeah, they don't really treat each other as siblings, only Sienna and Michael. In fact, in the novel it is explains that when a family sponsors a kid its most likely that the child is going to marry someone from the family so from the very beginning it was implied more of a associate / partner relationship rather than siblings and father. Although, they truly care for her as family. The father never used the word "daughter" but he did treat her as one soooo yeah and Ashiel from the start had platonic feelings
So I have read the novel and here is somewhat a summary of each character? Yeah something like that. But before that I have to explain when and how they get their memories back BECAUSE THEY DO. Sienna will be invited to the royal palace and the Nacht family. Here, lorreina will try to “enchant” Ashley but in this lifetime Ashiel is stronger and actually attacks Lorreina almost choking her to death but becase he was able to bounce back there was some backlash of the magic leaving him with fraud in his magic (I promise I will explain this with each character) because of this Sienna had to use the flames of Hesaros to purify him and at the moment not only Ashiel but the duke and Michael regain their memories. This happened when Sienna was still 11 years old. Now the characters.
The duke roderick (the father): In the first time line he was neglectful and didn’t paid attention to Sienna because of this she was never protected. In this lifetime before the memories coming back, he is just as careful as Ashiel considering Siennas opinion and wellbeing. He is not pushy and understand somewhat she is not comfortable with them. As soon as he gets his memories his demeanor keeps the same but realizing his past time mistakes behind the scenes he is supporting Sienna without her knowing because he is afraid she will be uncomfortable. It is true, he dies. He dies protecting everybody. Apparently there is some sort of a barrier? Yeah something like that protecting the “pure land” from the beasts the are corrupted and full of “fraud”. Before dying, Sienna gave him a self defense purification gem which is in a important this since Sienna was rejected more than once in her first time line and in this one even though the Duke sacrificed himself he was able to protect the land with the self defense amullet. Before him dying, Sienna was already kind of opening her heart to them and was almost ready to show her garden. If you dont know, terraformers make some sort of dimension which is called a garden and pretty much is like their soul so he was not able to see it an Sienna was heartbroken because of this so in return, she decided to bury him in this garden and her last words in the funeral was “I forgive you; I’m sorry for being late” (I cried)
Michael: he was the first to become the closest to Sienna although he kept a fair distance and made sure to never cross the line. He tried everyday to be of help to Sienna but felt guilty since he called himself a coward because he couldn’t ask for forgiveness because he didn’t deserve it but he still wanted to be Siennas brother. Michael has no love/sexual interest in Sienna, he cared for her as a brother and continues to do so. He was in military school with Sienna and even though he had no “Named” he was a genius in potion making and magic to the point he becomes a teacher in the academy. His love interest is actually Isabelle, the girl tainted by fraud at the beginning of the manhwa. She actually becomes a loyal vassal to Sienna and her mother also swore loyalty to Sienna.
Ashiel: oooh boy. So the difference between Ashiel and the other two Nacht is that he was genuinely going through pain in this second lifetime, weelll this is because he was the one who reversed time. So this is interesting but Ashield is actually connected to the mansion so when lorreina came in the first time line and tainted them with the fraud, because of Ashiel being corrupted the whole house as well, that’s why everyone in the house was against Sienna; the maids, workers etc… Ashiel felt guilty and hated himself because of this. Now its important to explain that Ashiel loved Sienna in both lifetimes but because he was tainted with the fraud his emotions had a twist so if he felt love the fraud was going to make it in hate (I hope it makes sense). Also Ashiel never loved Lorreina, they never got married or anything. Now, the house itself is a named as well called the millennium box and with this he was able to return time but he had to offer something which he offered his heart hoping that Sienna would be happy so the reason Ashiel suffers so much with Siennas rejection is because Sienna became his heart like literally, Ashiel could only live without pain having Sienna by his side something he both love and regret because he loved to be close to her but he knew Sienna hated him. He loves Sienna and would do anything for her.