Cry me a River and Dirty XX have also hot Semes and pretty much the same semi-realistic art style, but I'm speaking only about the chara design, not the plot.
In my opinion, Jinx must have influences from POTN (for the trait), and Lookism (for the coloring and dynamism...). After BJ Alex, their art reached the semi-realism in Jinx, which was not in BJ.
The firts chapters of Jinx show us a ml with perfect proportions, although he's taller than average. But now he's getting too big, which makes his head too small... Dan also becoming a giant, in his way. Though this is a common issue in Cry me a River and other yaois (POTN...), where Semes are so tall that they grow taller...

I'll check them out, thanks, also I haven't noticed JK or Dan getting larger, but if he truly did I hope this stops until he becomes too hilariously disproportionate. Amd true, BJ Alex wasn't at this level of art style, glad the artist leveled up because I rlly like the art style :,) (just stop feeding JK steroids lmao, he's grown enough)

Lmao =D True for JK, and you're welcome.
The ml in Cry me a River is gorgeous, art is splendid. When he takes pleasure in the smut with mc his face is to die for, this is so rare seeing these Semes enjoying sekse...
Art in Dirty XX is not bad and ml is hot, but plot is dogshit (my opinion). Though if you can be satisfied with the smut only, then it's fine. This one is nasty.
Shonen Ai : Little Mushrrom, manhua. *_*
Josei : Cry, better yet, beg (Josei, webtoon), art is stunning. Proportions are perfect.
And if you haven't read works from Kira : Lost Things...
In the latest chapters Jaekyung and Dan are getting taller and bigger. If it can help you, in anatomy the body is head x 5,5 (about 1,60m-1,70m), and head x 6,5 (about 1,70m-1,80m), head x 7,5 (1,80m-1,90m) and head x 8 (1,90m... etc)...

Hey, reading other's stories can be counted as work too!! Lots of great artists/writers are inspired by others, so I think you're really cool! I'm an artist too (for fun tho) and and I need smut to learn more anatomy (or that's what I keep telling myself haha, tho for real my style wouldn't be what it is now if I haven't spent time on studying other's art haha). But compared to me, you really have a good eye! Glad I could talk to you <3

Ha, same here. Glad we could share our pov even though they're not 100 % the same on Jinx.
You're right, reading stories count also as work, it's just that it can become problematic if you spend your free time on doing not important things instead of working on your own comics, while you can definitely... :/
Do you, too, already have some ideas of scenarios? Are they all BL?
Like you I enjoy reading yaoi, but if we want to write actual good (BL) storylines, I think it's best to read other genres too (Shonen, Seinen), cause BL plots are often poorly written.
I draw since a long time, so that must explain why I tick more on some details. Most don't care about these and just enjoy the smut, and that's fine...
Jinx is one of the hottest bl manhwas out there right now. I don't think there is someone who can top the artsyle of Jinx, and the situations that JK creates are hot as fuck. It's porn with some plot, stop acting like this should be some deep piece of literature, i'm here for the hot scenes and dicks. This is not shoujo or shonen ai, this is yaoi. Nobody ever said to pretend their relationship is healthy, it's not, but it makes my heart race. It's simple, if you're disgusted you're not the target audience. Let us enjoy our porn in peace. (Everyone in 2016 dressed up as Joker and Harley Queen and said "couple goals" and I didn't see all this bitching, so hush.)