
EXACTLY. I'm not saying Leoni is wrong, i understand her stance but it should also be remembered that the person she "hates" so much was the rutger that married her not a freaking ABUSED CHILD. He's literally a child who was not helped by ANYONE.. and the only person that helped him hates him so much and visually depicts it. Literally OSTRACIZES him. I hate her for that. My heart hurts for him. I hate that evryone is blantantly choosing to ignore leoni's fault when she's the one lashing out on the poor child he did NOT even commit.
Look I'm not about to dig to dip but I don't think FL is treating this situation properly. Of course she went through shit of course alot happened but in the timeline he's a child, an abused neglected child that was raised around people who was suppose to raise him but didn't show proper love. Of course he'd cling of course he wouldn't know how to properly show his appreciation and she doesn't like him due to future memories of what this version of him could be. Which is fair since she went through horrible a relationship with that version of him. But while she's on her road to changing and not back down or being abused she is neglecting to properly communicate AGAIN. Last time understandable, this time it's different I mean yeah she saved him but because she saved him he wants to cling to her. He is an abused child. A CHILD. He's going to attach to the person that seemed to care the most. And he would take it hard if she properly told him that she didn't want gifts or to be around him and the extent she disliked his prescene and that she didn't want or need anything from him. In those exact words because how she explained herself in this chapter is a mess. Anyways sure he'd be sad but she'd got her point across, as long as her family us their to properly lead him she has nothing else to do. She really needs a leveled head when dealing with A child. I CANT NOT STRESS HIS AGE ENOUGH. and I mean the future him was basically a child too in mentality he got out of a abusive situation and got sent straight to war barely able to talk just to get married. Now am I saying he's right? Hell no, but I'm saying that perspective matter. ALOT