I may be wrong or right idk (btw my English is bad) if you read this comment

Miow September 26, 2023 11:02 am

I read this a few times about Jake and sean. They met in High school and they are bestfriend and Jake felt in love with sean.. but sean wants to be just friends.I think because of his friend Kyle..Jake got jealous and hurt sean alot and also he hold his hands. And Sean got pregnant..he wanted to tell Jake about it but Jake didn't show up ..but sean waited for him.. and when Jake got there he saw sean and Kyle.. Jake misunderstand about them... But sean wanted to tell him he's pregnant with his child. But Jake was out of control he's angry and hit Jake with his bike and sean end up hospital and even baby die .

The met again after a long time... When Jake thought he's Emily father but he's not. I think here everyone got confused... I think sean did surrogate for some rich family to have a baby for them..but during his pregnancy he got two seed..mean twins.. when the baby is born..the baby girl Emily and the Baby boy... He gives the baby boy to the rich family.... He kept Emily as a secret because he don't want the rich people know about the baby girl because they might take her...he don't want to give his baby I think..he can't live without them.

Here my theory LoL I may be wrong TBH
The child that look like sean... Jake sister..kyle wife... He really look like sean. There is a probability that is sean baby boy... Remember when Kyle said " OUR SON?" ... HERE I FIND VERY SUSPICIOUS.. I THINK KYLE KNOWS HE'S NOT HIS SON... THAT'S MY THEORY.. I THINK JAKE SISTER ADOPTED SEAN CHILD.. I MEAN HE DID SURROGATE FOR HER.. BUT I THINK KYLE DON'T KNOW THAT BABY IS SEAN..


    Siya August 13, 2024 1:11 am

    Now I have lost interest to read this after how the story goes and major downgrade is that author has somehow forgot about this
    Anyway thank you for the brief summary