I am Religious, but I am Bisexual

Regggaaaa November 17, 2016 5:47 pm

I am 15 years old boy, bisexual, muslim and confused. I am certainly bisexual, but I am very religious and sometime when my parents explained why homosexual or LGBT is taboo in religious, sometime I convinced and I am in such dilemma. I know I am bisexual bc I am attracted to boy and girls, but my parents told me that homos existed just bc lust and it's a sickness that can be cured. PS they don't know I am bi. So, do you think being bisexual or LGBT is wrong? I meant I have crush on a guy not bc of how hot they are (In other words, it wasn't because of lust, correct?) It was because I felt something beyond friend, I think people that are straight won't understand this feeling, It's very tingly feeling towards the same sex, It's love. It's not just because I want a dick stick in my ass. I am so scared tho, I am very religious so I believe god exist and Heaven and Hell. It's very complicated when you believe your religion with all of your heart, but you also become something that your religions strongly won't accept!! So tragic

    NoName November 17, 2016 5:59 pm

    I think having that kind of mentality is wrong and sick.No offense,I respect everyone's beliefts but I think is wrong to judge someone based on the things he was born with or the things he didn't chose.Just follow your heart,be true to youself and everything is going to be just fine.

    kmt132 November 17, 2016 6:02 pm

    There is absolutely nothiny wrong with being LGBTQ. A lot of religious believe otherwise, but your values should be your own values, not what other people forced upon you. I know it's hard when you were raised to believe that homosexuality is wrong, but if religion teaches you to accept and love everyone equally, isn't it contradictory to discriminate prople based on something they can't control (sexual orientation)? You're not hurting anyone by being bisexual, so logically there's nothing wrong with it. Don't let arbitrary beliefs define you. To be religious, you don't have to agree with 100% of the coran.

    Monicawinz November 17, 2016 6:05 pm

    Well..in christian lgbt is againts the bible actually..im not sure about muslim but, i think every religion againts them. Bcs God create boys and girls for each other. But actually i dont hate lgbt people and i dont feel any disgust towards then at all. And im sure gay people like each other is not only because of lust bcs they also have feelings. Also gay relationship seems more faithful than normal couple i guess? I cannot say its wrong or not. I love my religion but I cannot againts gay people even though the bible againts it

    PinkySlinky November 17, 2016 6:08 pm

    I'm a 27 year old woman, bisexual and also religious. It took me almost all my life to accept i am exactly what my religion tells me not to be. it's really not worth it to feel misserable all your live, just because someone wrote something down thousands of years ago. You're still so young. It would be sad if you'd become such a mess because of this, just like me. It's really not worth it

    kawaii November 17, 2016 7:17 pm

    For Muslim, supports LGBT is torally wrong bur i know how you felt cuz i'm a lesbian.I have this phobia with guys.(≧∀≦) I'm a Muslim too...I think its maybe bcuz of the youth. My mom take me to a doctor to cure me...*sigh* now...I just live my life as a normal girl...But i'm still afraid of boys

    Anonymous November 17, 2016 7:24 pm
    For Muslim, supports LGBT is torally wrong bur i know how you felt cuz i'm a lesbian.I have this phobia with guys.(≧∀≦) I'm a Muslim too...I think its maybe bcuz of the youth. My mom take me to a doctor t... @kawaii

    "my mom take me to a doctor to cure me" ....... WTF???? ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    LessThanThree November 17, 2016 7:59 pm

    Don't worry! Nothing is wrong with you. I know I struggled for years about my sexuality because it's abnormal. I thought no one else was like that, but the fact that your sexuality has a name shows that you're not alone. There are plenty of others like you. I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. I'd suggest joining a private Facebook group if you have a Facebook. Though you'd need a friend who is already in such a group in order for it not to be seen. There are also other websites and things like subreddits. Just know that places on the internet, such as pages like Lizzy the Lezzy, are safe spaces for you where people know how you feel. Sending lots of love your way! :)

    mrl98 November 17, 2016 8:05 pm

    Being bisexual isn't forbidden in Islam, sex is lol, like all kinds of sex is forbidden in Islam unless you're married and even if you're married anal sex is forbidden :D so anal sex is a no no wether you're a man or a woman.
    There are 4 scholars if you're a muslim you'd heard of them ( abo hanifa- shafy etc..) those 4 all argue if there is a punishment for someone who is homosexual. In Quran Sodomys were punished for various reasons being disbelievers, having sex and raping even random men and also taking both men and women, they were horrible bunch of people. Basically if you're a muslim you're allowed to love whoever but no sex ( lol) and unless you're caught in action ( whether it's male or female) you will be punished if like 4 people caught you in action, which is quiet a lot of people. You wont find other than adultery is forbidden in Quran anything that says loving another man is wrong.
    Anyway as a fellow muslim, I'd say pray like you always do, and fall in love as well. Just don't lead a lustful life, find a partner and stay in a commited relation, There is nothing that isn't forbidden as long as you're not hurting anyone :)

    Anonymous November 17, 2016 8:07 pm

    Sometimes being Muslim is hard but there is always a reason for such rules I can say what to do but I rather say do your own research like I did. In my country women should wear borka(veil type thing) so I searched for the reason of the constain.I found out it was to protect women from evil or lustful eyes(whatever you say men look at women that way and in my country men do worse and get away by it) so wore it to protect myself.Even though I am an open minded person doesn't mean everyone will be. And about your parents they just human being they never faced such situation they aren't that old to be all wise...they are afraid of the society and for you whom they might not be able to help.I know you are 15 but for now cool your head don't do anything rushed just talk to very close friend who isn't really really close minded.I really pray that you can be helped and don't do anything unreasonable and wait for 5 years maybe you will find your rates oneヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    mrl98 November 17, 2016 8:09 pm

    There is nothing that isn't forgiven not forbidden

    Anonymous November 17, 2016 8:18 pm
    Sometimes being Muslim is hard but there is always a reason for such rules I can say what to do but I rather say do your own research like I did. In my country women should wear borka(veil type thing) so I sear... @Anonymous

    Sorry fated sorry too big and small could see my miss
    ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    hello its yaoi November 17, 2016 8:45 pm

    I am a 15 years old girl, i am bisexual it is not because of lust. I just want to love a person with all my heart. I don't look at gender or religion. Everybody is free to follow his heart.
    All my friends know that i am bi and they are straight, but they love my character, they accept me for who i am and so do i.

    (My Father and my mother don't life together)
    Parents reaction: Well my father was like ,,its okay,,
    my mother is like ,, why ?? did i raised you wrong ? blah blah blah... ,,she really hate me now
    And than i asked my dad ,,is it really that wrong to be who i am, to love a person because he is a beautiful being.,,
    You know what my father said ,, i love you for who you are and no matter whats gonna happened I AM HERE FOR YOU,,

    Now i life alone with my father and my 4 siblings life with my mother. You know what, i am happy the way i am and i believe that if i can find my happiness you can find yours.

    Arianna November 17, 2016 8:54 pm

    if you are religious, i think it is best if you read and interpreted the Quran. though, i do not believe there is anything in there that says that being gay/bisexual is sin and is forbidden, you may want to check. i am not saying that it is wrong, but you might want to check just to be sure. however, if you are religious, you should also see it in different ways. if Allah created man, doesn't that mean you were meant to be bisexual? if Allah controls the fate/destiny of man, doesn't that mean this is who you are supposed to be? Allah gives everyone their own purpose in life. the Quran might the your religious text, but it is not the first, which was written by the prophet Muhammad, i believe. people throughout the years have reworded it and added things to it. some may be a lie which was never supposed to be there. do not put your faith in a book and what others say. believe only in yourself, in Allah, and the path he has given you. i hope you have a wonderful day, sir.

    Kaito.Hat November 17, 2016 9:04 pm

    As a fellow Muslim, I understand how harsh many members of our community can be towards the LGBT. But know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Being bisexual is just as natural as being straight, even if homophobes say otherwise. Honestly, if you think your parents will never be accepting of who you are, just leave. Not now, of course, but when you are at an age where you are able to support yourself. It's not good to live in a toxic environment where you feel you have to suppress yourself just for being who you are.

    I understand your conflicting feelings as well. Sometimes you just hold beliefs that stray away from that of your religion. It's not just Islam, but other religions too. It's not surprising that our values differ from the followers of older religions. It's just a part of being human.

    And I personally believe that if god really exists, he would love you no matter what your sexuality. There are so many worse sins out there than the "sin" of homosexuality. Still, in the end, it's your life. I just hope live your life happily, and the way you live feels right to you.

    I imagine the moment when your November 17, 2016 9:06 pm

    Just imaginer if they discover thats you read Yaoi its chock and trauma for them but i cant imagine there situation if they discover you are Bi
    Readinh Yaoi its just like committing signs for me because im musulman too and i hide it because its abnormal and perverts to read such thing !
    I listen to my advice dont listen to people who tell you BE YOURSELF !!! Iam warnings you because the society will never forgive you and also its shame infron your parents and family ! Listen just hide your feeling and get married with girl and have children and forget about thr lust and pleaser! Im misulman too and i understand you !
    Dont make fool decision and made mistakes try to hide it to live peaceful life :)

    Anonymous November 17, 2016 9:57 pm
    Just imaginer if they discover thats you read Yaoi its chock and trauma for them but i cant imagine there situation if they discover you are Bi Readinh Yaoi its just like committing signs for me because im musu... @I imagine the moment when your

    The fuck dude?

    LessThanThree November 17, 2016 10:02 pm
    The fuck dude? @Anonymous


    Anonymous November 17, 2016 10:07 pm
    Just imaginer if they discover thats you read Yaoi its chock and trauma for them but i cant imagine there situation if they discover you are Bi Readinh Yaoi its just like committing signs for me because im musu... @I imagine the moment when your

    Dude I am gonna be honest do read the news where a gay killed ....coz he married coz of his father well sth alone the lines don't ruin this kid's life just coz you are a coward.He can break free from all this with his head held high as he already took the first step of sharing with his family and friends.Now he just needs to go to an independent country where people aren't judge by their sexual preference. You are going to be a bad father who force his kids to follow rules and be all perfect and break him.Don't you read manga what the hell did to you learned from it

    evebolt November 17, 2016 11:24 pm

    I'm a Christian, so I also understand the dilemma of supporting LGBT despite our religious beliefs. But I believe that God, the all forgiving God, wont be so shallow that He throws people to hell just because they love other person who happens to be the same gender. Religion and it's teaching is man made anyway, we don't really know which is God's true word and which is not. I think as long as we don't cause harms to other people, we'll be good (and being gay definitely does not cause any harms to other people).

    Maakim November 18, 2016 12:24 am

    hey.. don't be affraid. you still 15, you can change. If you think properly why your religion said Lgbt is lust, i think you'll understand.
    if what you said it's true that you're religious, i think you should try the path that can make you a good moslem. learn it more, make a good friend with a good moslems. Since you are bi, it's still possible to fall for good moslem woman. trust me proper moslem woman is one of good partner of life.