But can I just say….

Stealer97#2 September 26, 2023 6:39 am

But in all seriousness, can I just say how much admiration I have for Lee Geom. The Manwha was correct in its phrasing that “suffering isn’t a reason for pity. It’s a reason for respect. Respect for their strength to endure it, and as a result, the admiration for [that] person is only growing stronger.”(chapter 32) In other words, suffering isn’t a reason to pity someone. It is a reason to respect them. And due to that respect, your/our admiration of that suffering person only grows bigger as their strength in enduring and enduring and enduring whatever is it is they’re going through is finally being recognized, and seen for what it’s worth.

With respect to Lee Geom, he’s been suffering for a long, long time. 8 years and counting (not even including the attempted rape of his stepfather), however, through this suffering and endurance of whatever life had kept throwing his way: rape, violence, humiliation, etc., Lee kept going. He kept suffering and enduring, and that strength in it of itself is something to respect and admire. He’s been through literal hell, and is still traversing through its firey flames. His strength to endure and make something out of the situation he was forced into is something I respect and admire about Lee. All his hard work, all his physical abuse, all his emotional abuse, all his humiliation and mental abuse, all his silent suffering and enduring, and all his meticulous preparation, is finally coming to fruition. It’s feels so satisfying to see all his suffering somewhat relieved with all this revenge that is about to be laid out. I don’t think there will ever be a revenge great enough to satisfy all the experiences he’s been forcibly put through, but
seeing his plan go through successfully (for now *fingers crossed*) and result in some type of revenge, feels veeeeerrry satisfying. And my admiration for Lee only continues to grow. I hope no one in this world has to go through this, but with the way the world is now and possibly even back then, I can’t say for sure that no one is experiencing this level of pain, anguish, and suffering. I wish y’all the best of reading and a good day.
