novel access

rainydays September 26, 2023 4:12 am

to those who want to read the NOVEL---

i dont think it has a translated version because theres nothing abt it on novelupdates, so the only way to access it is on the official platforms.

i did find a link for the novel (+webtoon) on k*kao page:
https: //page. kakao. com /search/result? keyword=%ED%95%B4+%EB%B0%9D%EC%9D%80+%EB%B0%A4%EC%9D%98+%EC%82%B0%EC%B1%85
(just remove all of the spaces)

and r*d*books:
https :// ridibooks. com/books/3086000185
(again, remove spaces)

if the links dont end up working, you can just search the kr name '해 밝은 밤의 산책' into the search engine w the site, as both the novel and webtoon have the same name.
