This may be TMI but It's really not comfortable at first. Not just the first time but every start of it. The preparation is also a pain that's why Im kinda laughing when I see that they just magically shove it in without cleaning. Not to mention times when I see they dont use lube and just saliva? That's even not enough

Sorry if this sounds offensive but does anal sex feel as good as people make it out to be? I mean sure there’s pain but if its pleasurable too then it kinda balances out. I am asking cause i’ve been interested in it for a while and want to try it out (lol sorry for the tmi). But i am not good with pain and i heard it can be very painful so i’ve held back.
I've read a LOT of bl stories and scenes like this makes me wonder how it feels in reality to be banged in the ass HAHAHAHHA My gay friends says it's uncomfortable so they prefer to be top HAHAHAH just a random thoughts