
meruu September 25, 2023 11:04 am

I like the pacing, the tension, the build up, but i just wasnt satisfied how ml redeemed himself through that??? I feel like the explanation for what he did was glossed, lacking and only on the surface part? Im not sure but when you compared it with mc, it feels lacking for me.

Welp i hope ml does more for what mc deserves

    Lavender October 15, 2023 11:18 pm

    Tbh I have a feeling the ML is going to do more questionable stuff in the future (because he's still omitting stuff with the MC and I feel like there's been stuff mentioned in the story so far that's kind of setting stuff up for conflict), so maybe that's why redemption is getting pushed back. Maybe it's because I read a lot of angst but this is very much giving off the vibe of calm before the storm kind of thing

    meruu October 16, 2023 6:19 pm
    Tbh I have a feeling the ML is going to do more questionable stuff in the future (because he's still omitting stuff with the MC and I feel like there's been stuff mentioned in the story so far that's kind of se... Lavender

    NOOOO PLSSS IM TOO STRESSED TO HANDLE FUTURE SHITS. But yeaaah, there's a big possibilityyy then if that happens, i hope ml's redemption is satisfactory for all of us and go waaaaay beyond.

    For now i guess ill put a hold on this until it's almost finished, i cant with angst in case (⊙…⊙ )