I completely agree with everything you said. It makes me so upset when Im reading the manga and Yata literally rapes Momo. Yata is really pissing me off, I only care about Momo and want him to get treated with some fucking respect. Yata acts all high and mighty, but he still takes advantage of Momo and doesn't see him as his equal. He knows Momo's history and he definitely judges how he treats Momo off of it and figure that even when he messes up it isn't that bad since he's still treating him better than he has been treated before (news flash, that isn't supposed to affect how you treat people) Its just another fucked up relationship for poor Momo. And Momo knows it too! That makes it so sad! He will acknowledge the shit Yata does but he also acknowledges that he lets Yata get away with it because he self deprecates and feels quilty since he relies on Yata and feels like he owes him. Its just fucked up...even if Momo lets it slide, his partner literally rapes him. I hope nobody gets that confused. Also, the emotional bs Yata pulled with Momo's mom and keeps trying to get Momo to forgive her??? Are you KIDDING? I think that Yata as a character is well designed though. I think the author makes it clear that Yata really doesn't understand Momo, but that he thinks that he does. He thinks he cares about Momo, but he worries about his own feelings and is just down right possessive of Momo. Most of the stuff he does isn't even because he cares about Momo, its clear that a lot of the times its because he is being possessive and seeing Momo as "his" so he can't stand other people doing what they want with "his" thing. We all wish and think we would understand Momo if we met him irl, but most of us have not lived the way Momo has or been raised in a family without any sort of love so it really isn't something we can understand and we'd probably give Momo some of the shitty advice Yata does.

I honestly agree with you all, but i guess it's because of the rape that i like it. I'm into those psychological stories and i mean Harada is famous for those type of stories. And momo have wanted sex with yata so it's not totally one-sided.
Im honestly starting to dislike yata more and more.... he seriously needs self control in the bedroom. his lover tells him to stop, says it hurts, yells for someone to save him, and has even said that the sex feels like rape- it's seriously sexual abuse. yata may love momo but that doesn't excuse his abusive behavior, and neither does his abnormally high sex drive and stamina. he's depicting the same type of behavior as the men who raped momo as a kid- hes honestly no better than them. the only reason momo lets him get away with it is because hes used to it-hes even said that multiple times. but being used to it doesnt mean he enjoys it. sex is supposed to be enjoyable to all involved, not like a painful chore one goes through to satisfy their lover. if yata truly wants to 'take care of momo,' he should start by actually paying attention to him in the bedroom. he gets so lost in his own lust that once he starts, he 'just cant stop'- thats NOT OKAY. listen to momo when he says its enough, and dont assume his presence means youre gonna get laid. there was a part where momo came over in the middle of the night because he felt emotionally vulnerable and wanted to be comforted, and yata just fucked him all night, despite agreeing to only do it once- and even then, momo didnt actually want to do it at all! he may have used sex as an excuse when because he was embarrassed of his real reason, but he literally TOLD yata that it was JUST AN EXCUSE.
People are saying its supposed to be a humorous running gag about how yata is a beast in bed, but its not funny. it makes me wanna throw up. if you want a humorous running gag about a man being an unexpected beast in bed, look at honto yaju. tomoharu shows so much more respect for aki than yata does for momo, and tomoharu's unexpected libido is repeatedly used a gag throughout the entire series. but look at how often aki initiates sex with tomoharu compared to momo initiating sex with yata-when he isnt asking for money or trying to stifle his feelings. yata even says that its rare for momo to ask for sex under such circumstances-maybe he should think about why that is. momo certainly isnt shy when it comes to sex, so maybe its because HE DOESNT WANT IT. pretty much EVERY TIME theyve had sex, momo has afterwords complained about how it hurt, how it had been too much, or how hed wanted it to stop much earlier; perhaps yata should TAKE A FUCKING HINT.