I have a feeling that there more to the story. Like the aunt hates him for no reason and she got rid of all his parents pictures. I have a feeling aunt was in love with his dad pr something or just jealous of her sister in general.
I just hope it isnt a stupid cope-out like he looks like his mom or some shit.
Could be. Which is why I said I dont want that to happen. There should be a punishment for child abuse/negligence. Mental Illness/Depression doesnt isnt an excuae to act like trash Considering she was raising her own child just fine. She had no reason to take him in if she was just gonna treat him like crap and she should be answerable for her actions.
All his relatives except his brother are a bunch of dicks. If you aren't going to actually take care of the child then DON'T TAKE THEM IN! I don't care how much guilt you feel about your sister dying! If you actually cared about them, you wouldn't neglect their fucking child! At the very least, don't take it out on the kid! Kids can't do shit about their situation, so whatever issues you have are 100% caused by YOU!