The game so far

Silent Lucidity September 24, 2023 4:12 am

1. Gren is manipulative- Yes, he is. He is because he can only see one path to survival, and it’s Shin. Whether we like it or not, it’s a self-preservation instinct kicking in.
2. Gren is Jake’s weakness- Actually, Shin is Jake’s weakness. Even Izmael commented on that. Gren is Shin’s weakness. Jake only protected Gren because of Shin. And Jake told Benille (Merciful underboss) that he let Gren go, so the Mercifuls already know. He told Benille that Gren might come in handy in the future.
3. Gren wants to join the Mercifuls- Holy shit. Didn’t see that one coming. Should’ve, but didn’t. Jake really is a master at chess!
4. About Gren being Shin’s weakness- Shin hit a point where he had to choose between Gren and Jake, and he chose Jake. Then it happened again, and again he chose Jake. But Gren is wearing him down: “The ones who really hurt us us were always people close to us.” Faced with the decision once more, will he continue to choose Jake?
