Honestly surprised at the lack of empathy in all of the comments

lokifa September 24, 2023 1:41 am

I get why y’all are mad at gren, he’s killed and hurt people without any remorse and is probably gonna fuck things up for Shin.

But y’all forget he was literally an orphan growing up with no family (other than shin, but he was also a kid, not a parental figure) surrounded by deadbeats, drug mules and addicts, it’s not like he had a perfect life that he destroyed by himself.

Kids like him either die young or grow up to be messed up adults stuck in a black hole with no way to crawl out of it.

I understand that being from a fucked up situation doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be held accountable for your actions, but wanting him to just kill himself or just die is downright cruel.

I know it’s a manhwa, but seeing how unsympathetic and harsh y’all are towards an addict that had nobody and nothing in his life is sad, and a stark reminder of how society feels about addicts, even ones that were once poverty stricken abused children.

    Sugakookie September 24, 2023 2:06 am

    Jay has also killed people

    Ultramarine September 24, 2023 2:12 am
    Jay has also killed people Sugakookie

    Jay is a CIA agent that’s pretty much his job

    1800GAYTOPS September 24, 2023 2:28 am
    Jay has also killed people Sugakookie

    Tell us you haven’t been paying attention to the plot without telling us you haven’t been paying attention to the plot…

    Blackieberry September 24, 2023 2:34 am

    You're right. I don't really understand why people hate Gren this much. Because I myself can't hate him, I only feel pity when I see him. He feels very dependent on Shin, because he is the only person Gren has ever been close to. I think everything he experienced made perfect sense with everything that happened in his life. Shin is one of the lucky ones because he still has good common sense, so he doesn't become someone who falls into darkness.

    Sugakookie September 24, 2023 2:57 am
    Tell us you haven’t been paying attention to the plot without telling us you haven’t been paying attention to the plot… 1800GAYTOPS

    I meant to say Shin doesn't know that Jay is actually a CIA agent. From his pov Jay is probably in a top gang doing some shady business. And he also witnessed Jay pointing a gun to a man's butt and shoot him through the anus Or Shin probably does know Jay's actual identity and I really have lost track of the plot and need to re-read

    Daemon October 1, 2023 7:26 am
    Jay is a CIA agent that’s pretty much his job Ultramarine

    Bruh the CIA is not a good organisation. I dunno why you think that counts as justification but he did very much murder people. Difference is the system would go out of its way to protect him

    Ultramarine October 1, 2023 6:32 pm
    Bruh the CIA is not a good organisation. I dunno why you think that counts as justification but he did very much murder people. Difference is the system would go out of its way to protect him Daemon

    Where did i say that what he does wasn’t bad??? You’re very quick to add in yo unwanted two little cents into shit that wasn’t even involving you. All i say was that his job is basically to kill people i know what the CIA you custer i NEVER said that what he does justified him as being as bad a Gren. Hop off me and go waste someone else’s time not mine.

    Ultramarine October 1, 2023 6:34 pm
    Bruh the CIA is not a good organisation. I dunno why you think that counts as justification but he did very much murder people. Difference is the system would go out of its way to protect him Daemon

    And you basically accused and assumed i was defending Jay when I was point out what he does. Over here sounding like a wannabe SJW you weirdo.

    Daemon October 1, 2023 7:18 pm
    And you basically accused and assumed i was defending Jay when I was point out what he does. Over here sounding like a wannabe SJW you weirdo. Ultramarine

    Bestie if someone says character A killed someone and you respond with they're part of the CIA and that's his job, it's pretty much implied that you think it justifies it. In a conversation about murder if you bring up the fact that the shady, corrupt job he does calls for murder, you very much do sound like defending him by saying he's just doing his work. Also, I guess pointing out human rights violations make you a SJW but I'd rather be that than be whatever your brain dead ass seems to be

    Daemon October 1, 2023 7:20 pm
    Where did i say that what he does wasn’t bad??? You’re very quick to add in yo unwanted two little cents into shit that wasn’t even involving you. All i say was that his job is basically to kill people i ... Ultramarine

    Wasn't involving me? Bruh this is a public forum. Anyone can comment in any thread they want. Dunno why you're having a breakdown by someone disagreeing with you but aight

    Ultramarine October 1, 2023 9:10 pm
    Wasn't involving me? Bruh this is a public forum. Anyone can comment in any thread they want. Dunno why you're having a breakdown by someone disagreeing with you but aight Daemon

    no you’re not having a disagreement with me babes. you’re pretty much just trying to show off your “intelligence” when there’s wasn’t literally anything i said that sparked you to do that. YOU made it an issue. I did not ask for what you thought about a fictional character. you’re over wanting to be fucking pointdexter “well actually…” like nobody asked you whether it’s a public comment section or not custer.

    Ultramarine October 1, 2023 9:13 pm
    Bestie if someone says character A killed someone and you respond with they're part of the CIA and that's his job, it's pretty much implied that you think it justifies it. In a conversation about murder if you ... Daemon

    dude if you wanna be right so bad go right ahead it seems like you’re desperate for it. i’d rather be brain dead that a sjw custer like you over a fictional character like you lmfao.