Guys, remember a story (especially toxic ones) can have either slowburn or abrupt characte...

BeansproutCionn September 24, 2023 12:14 am

Guys, remember a story (especially toxic ones) can have either slowburn or abrupt character development when a canon event happens.

Anyone is free to continue or drop this manhwa, lol. But what tf did you guys expect to happen from their set up and then go "OMG I'M DROPPING THIS" "WHERE IS THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT"
Character is development is still a long way to go. It's only just chapter 34 lol. (︶︿︶)

    femme_fatale September 24, 2023 12:22 am

    I AGREE. The funniest thing is that those new to the BL scene are reading it so this makes no sense to them. And they are having a REAL HARD TIME separating reality from fiction. This is a FUCKED UP FICTIONAL story. Please don't put your morals into it. No one will care.

    Killua September 24, 2023 12:27 am

    Frrrr I thought it was just me that was just chilling I was surprised by all the comments…

    __Kimchi September 24, 2023 12:31 am

    Thats right, but still i didnt read smh so fucked up in a long time. After 34 chapter i just needed to go out on a walk bc i wasnt expecting this lol. Bj Alex was one of the first bl manhwa ive read and I have sentiment for mingwa but protecting seme (I forgot his name lol) is imo absurd and its a bit like protecting sangwoo from killing stalking

    femme_fatale September 24, 2023 12:34 am
    Thats right, but still i didnt read smh so fucked up in a long time. After 34 chapter i just needed to go out on a walk bc i wasnt expecting this lol. Bj Alex was one of the first bl manhwa ive read and I have ... __Kimchi

    i think ppl forgive sexual abuse more often that real abuse. its still draining mentally but at least doctor has a home, money for his grandmother, and a normal job at the end of the day. hes just a prostitute.

    __Kimchi September 24, 2023 12:40 am
    i think ppl forgive sexual abuse more often that real abuse. its still draining mentally but at least doctor has a home, money for his grandmother, and a normal job at the end of the day. hes just a prostitute. femme_fatale

    But at what cost? Still it wouldnt hurt to make seme bit nicer or smh. Like this last scene was so unnecessary

    toilet terrorist September 24, 2023 12:41 am
    i think ppl forgive sexual abuse more often that real abuse. its still draining mentally but at least doctor has a home, money for his grandmother, and a normal job at the end of the day. hes just a prostitute. femme_fatale

    i feel like prostitute is such a rude word but its not wrong also im confused whats the difference between sexual abuse and 'real' abuse. Arent they both abuse?

    toilet terrorist September 24, 2023 12:48 am
    Thats right, but still i didnt read smh so fucked up in a long time. After 34 chapter i just needed to go out on a walk bc i wasnt expecting this lol. Bj Alex was one of the first bl manhwa ive read and I have ... __Kimchi

    femme_fatale September 24, 2023 3:46 am
    i feel like prostitute is such a rude word but its not wrong also im confused whats the difference between sexual abuse and 'real' abuse. Arent they both abuse? toilet terrorist

    Sorry I know that prostitute is a rude word but its pretty accurate for him. I meant to say physical abuse. Like in this BL world, people tend to be more okay with sexual abuse than torture or like blood kink or when the partner is actually hurt. Neither is okay but from my experience, people are so much more okay with sexual abuse when the top "changes" or whatever.

    BeansproutCionn September 24, 2023 2:33 pm

    Fiction and reality are not that far tbh, there are more fucked up things in life that were mirrored in fictions, and fictions do so to life. I think rather than asking WHERE is the character development, we should look out for HOW Jaekyung will get to that. It takes time, even in stories. Sangwoo in Killing Stalking was also a victim of abuse and traumatized by what was done to him, in turn he turned out that way. Jaekyung... Could probably not be a victim of abuse, but his personality could be shaped the environment he grew up with. Long story short, I am not defending or validating their actions just because they were victims of abuse themselves, but let's do try to savor the elements of the STORY we chose to pick up and read, and see how things will DEVELOP for the BETTER

    BeansproutCionn September 24, 2023 2:37 pm
    Thats right, but still i didnt read smh so fucked up in a long time. After 34 chapter i just needed to go out on a walk bc i wasnt expecting this lol. Bj Alex was one of the first bl manhwa ive read and I have ... __Kimchi

    That's very understandable

    BeansproutCionn September 24, 2023 2:43 pm
    Sorry I know that prostitute is a rude word but its pretty accurate for him. I meant to say physical abuse. Like in this BL world, people tend to be more okay with sexual abuse than torture or like blood kink o... femme_fatale

    This is truly abuse, see how Jaekyung is using Dan like a toy, and Dan lets him out of debt of gratitude. I don't think prostitute is the correct term because it is against his will. Half consent = half rape??? You all get to decide that.

    But maybe friendly warning in the future, if the character shows a hint of sadism even the slightest bit in earlier chapters, prepare yourself for the worst development. That sort of sneak peek is an omen of red flags.

    toilet terrorist September 24, 2023 2:53 pm
    Sorry I know that prostitute is a rude word but its pretty accurate for him. I meant to say physical abuse. Like in this BL world, people tend to be more okay with sexual abuse than torture or like blood kink o... femme_fatale

    You shouldnt imply that sexual abuse isnt real abuse, theres different forms of abuse and all of them are bad as you know. People are okay with sexual abuse more than physical abuse because of rape culture and the way societies view sexual violence. I just want to make this very clear, do not say 'real abuse' when comparing something to sexual abuse. All abuse is real abuse.

    toilet terrorist September 24, 2023 2:55 pm
    This is truly abuse, see how Jaekyung is using Dan like a toy, and Dan lets him out of debt of gratitude. I don't think prostitute is the correct term because it is against his will. Half consent = half rape???... BeansproutCionn

    Definitely i dont think most of the sexual acts occuring are consensual at all, Dan might be a prostituted person but he has the right to say no, no matter what contract he agreed to. Its his human right, Jaekyung weaponising the fact that he needs money so he'll do whatever he says is just violence.

    __Kimchi September 24, 2023 4:30 pm
    This is truly abuse, see how Jaekyung is using Dan like a toy, and Dan lets him out of debt of gratitude. I don't think prostitute is the correct term because it is against his will. Half consent = half rape???... BeansproutCionn

    Red flags? Bro that is usually a whole set of siren alarms

    BeansproutCionn September 24, 2023 9:10 pm
    Definitely i dont think most of the sexual acts occuring are consensual at all, Dan might be a prostituted person but he has the right to say no, no matter what contract he agreed to. Its his human right, Jaeky... toilet terrorist

    I 100% agree, although Dan is fulfilling what the contract has said, Jaekyung is pushing his limits to the extreme, that's what is bad. Even S&M has a safeword rule to respect the M's limitation.

    BL girl reader October 3, 2023 7:43 pm

    Exactly and they're saying dan should leave jaekyung like they were together in the first place

    BL girl reader October 3, 2023 7:49 pm
    I AGREE. The funniest thing is that those new to the BL scene are reading it so this makes no sense to them. And they are having a REAL HARD TIME separating reality from fiction. This is a FUCKED UP FICTIONAL s... femme_fatale

    Exactly bro I've read so many Bl manga or manhwa and I've seen soo many more toxic thi gs....what jaekyung is doing is nothing compared to the other manhwas I've read.. and they need to realize that at the end of the day this isn't the middle of the manhwa there's going to be character development from jaekyung because he's the end game its just like Bj alex