right.. i was quite happy when he just laid down next to him after garam passed out but of course he has to get horny again ㅤ
Even if he gets horny, he's not some wild animal who can't control himself, he needs to be aware what it I'd right and what isn't, and needs to respect the other person because they're not an object, they're human too just like him.
Even if he gets horny, he's not some wild animal who can't control himself, he needs to be aware what it I'd right and what isn't, and needs to respect the other person because they're not an object, they're hu... Lucky
yup, that's what i meant i was saying "but of course he has to get horny again" in this tone
The kisses were so wholesome but then the scene was ruined when he was gonna rape him while he's sleeping. Cmon, it could have been so cute.