I hate him but I still have hope somehow

Isekai Truck September 23, 2023 7:55 pm

Well that love triangle arc didn’t last long I mean Jaekyung is doing his Jaekyung thing and being a stain to society but I think this is progress? Like hear me out…
1. His possessiveness and relationship with Dan is so obvious it’s becoming noticeable to other people
2. He’s not wanting Dan to see Heesung and he’s not telling Heesung to “do whatever you want” when it comes to Dan
3. Even tho he calls him his property, it’s still possessiveness he hasn’t shown to anyone else up till now so in the end….maybe this is a win? Like maybe this is good? Like I still wanna run him over with a tractor but idk threatening is how he talks to people and he was being pretty clear with his relationship so maybe??

    Isekai Truck September 27, 2023 1:15 pm

    To Rose and Tora, I have no idea what either of yall are talking about cause it doesn’t seem like we’re talking about the same conversations here and I’d prefer it if yall could keep other conversations out of this thread so it’s not confusing anyone else just trying to talk

    Tmsmyz September 27, 2023 1:23 pm
    To Rose and Tora, I have no idea what either of yall are talking about cause it doesn’t seem like we’re talking about the same conversations here and I’d prefer it if yall could keep other conversations o... Isekai Truck

    They were correct. You are the only person not on the same page.

    Tmsmyz September 27, 2023 1:39 pm
    Yes I know what that possessiveness technically was supposed to mean, it’s supposed to mean Jaekyung is growing romantic feelings for Dan and therefore jealousy. With jealousy comes possessiveness, the thing ... U got e x p o s e d

    This only proves Tora was right.

    And can you explain to op you were not having a conversation but a “debate”.
    They think you two were having a nice conversation.
    They don’t see you were “debating” them, someone away from this conversation would see it was mismatch.
    Then they didn’t see other elements that you proved were there by how you responded.

    Tmsmyz September 27, 2023 4:13 pm
    You seem to have been having a conversation with them. I am sorry to tell you this is not a real conversation. They just want to impose on you. They don't care what you say. They don't have the details right, t... Torakaze

    I know you worded this wrong. I understand you were sleepy. Man! I love to have your analyzing skills. Two comments and you were able to determine this situation accurately. The hater gaslighted me and Manhwaspicy with ad hominems, here. They totally ignored what we said.

    It was only a matter of time before they started to be abusive to Isekai Truck. They were abusive to Me, Manhwaspicy, you, Rose, and a few more.


    Tmsmyz September 27, 2023 4:55 pm
    To Rose and Tora, I have no idea what either of yall are talking about cause it doesn’t seem like we’re talking about the same conversations here and I’d prefer it if yall could keep other conversations o... Isekai Truck

    Tora, man, It has been bothering me why Isekai truck is so clueless when it is so obvious you are correct. You had this half correct. I went to Isekai Truck page. I had them blocked. Note: That is the reason we block it is that haters can change their names.

    Going back to their topics Isekai Truck is Thug_Nagisa, Tora.

    Thug_Nagisa's goal is to make you wrong here and "you are so confused". It wasn't a TA vs. hater. It was two haters talking with maybe one hater not knowing they were talking to another hater.

    You were able to expose one hater. And by this Thug_Nagisa exposed themselves. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14349573/
    You did not block them, Tora or you would known and not respond here.

    But this shows Tora was protecting the target audience. We are watching and we will protect them from you haters. You protected Thugs, how cute, Tora.

    We are able to tell who is a hater quickly. Tora is faster than me.

    U got e x p o s e d September 27, 2023 9:59 pm
    I’m good on that but I have no idea what those other people are talking about and I didn’t think you were rude at all and just voicing your opinion and I hoped I could provide at least a different perspecti... Isekai Truck

    That’s totally okay pookie wookie at least it was great talking to you even if we didn’t reach a final mutual agreement. Idk they just came at me 2V1 dick riding each other and accusing me of shit I did not do ?? Whatever have a great day though

    U got e x p o s e d September 27, 2023 10:02 pm
    To Rose and Tora, I have no idea what either of yall are talking about cause it doesn’t seem like we’re talking about the same conversations here and I’d prefer it if yall could keep other conversations o... Isekai Truck

    That other lil bro that just got here is saying the weirdest stuff they’re the one I had a whole debate that went nowhere under another comment section how did they follow me here ???

    Tmsmyz September 28, 2023 3:06 am
    That’s totally okay pookie wookie at least it was great talking to you even if we didn’t reach a final mutual agreement. Idk they just came at me 2V1 dick riding each other and accusing me of shit I did not... U got e x p o s e d

    You are being delusional and disgusting. No one is dick riding. No one is accusing you. The other debate you lost. It went somewhere. I said the truth. I don’t follow you, you’re not special. It is not deep, hoss. Get over yourself and stop gaslighting. Grow the hell up