It’s simple though.
No, enjoying toxic stories, slashers, horror, or tragedy doesn’t mean you’re fucked up.
For exemple, Killing Stalking was a psychological horror. People enjoyed it for it’s horror aspects, because it was WELL-WRITTEN, however they did NOT enjoy Sangwoo’s and Bum’s relationship itself. They "enjoyed" the horror it provoked, the feelings of watching true horror without it being something paranormal or gory. That’s what makes psychological horror so appealing for some people.
Putting the word enjoy between quotation marks, because people do NOT enjoy reading absolute atrocities, they just like well-written stories that make the reader deeply feel something. Tragedy makes you feel sadness, slashers and horror make you scared and uncomfortable, toxic shit can be insanely deep and complicated and make you question your own values as a human being which is interesting as well ("My perverted Stalker" is a great exemple).
It is NOT this story’s case. It’s a pure and simple toxic relationship for the sake of being one, not for the sake of question your values. It’s rape scenes after rape scenes every single chapter, with a main character (Jaekyung) that can’t be redeemed but somehow will be forgiven, and will get a happy ending just like BJ Alex’s ML did (and didn’t deserve it). I explicitly said "enjoying their toxic RELATIONSHIP is sick". Enjoying watching a man getting raped, getting his life destroyed, getting humiliated, being prisoner and treated like an object like Dan is in this story IS fucked up. And I’m saying ENJOYING IT. There’s ppl masturbating to this shit. There’s people calling Jaekyung hot and encouraging him into claiming "what’s his" as if Dan wasn’t an human being. You’re mixing shit up.

Whatever form of rape story a person consumes, it doesn't make them fucked up.
It's fiction, that's why they can choose however way to enjoy it. It doesn't make them fucked up.
People have kinks and fetishes. It isn't wrong and it doesn't make them fucked up. Just because people enjoy consuming stories with rape, it doesn't make them fucked up. Experts have proved that it's safe to have rape fantasies. Are you also saying that if someone enjoys reading rape stories, they automatically support rape in real life??? That's illogical. It's called fantasy for a reason.
That's the point you're missing. It's fiction, that's why people feel the need to express their opinions on fictional characters. It doesn't make them fucked up. Everyone identifies how Jk has treated Dan, everyone knows is fucked up but they still enjoy it, they enjoy the drama to it, they enjoy the dominance Jk poses on Dan, they enjoy the way Dan doesn't have any power and is just submissive. It doesn't mean they think it's right. It's just a kink thing. It doesn't also make them fucked up. And if they masturbate to it, it doesn't also make them fucked up. They can't help it. Rape fantasies are real, common, and normal. Go research if you think I'm wrong.
You're talking like it's wrong to masturbate to any form of pornography. Religiously, it is wrong though but then again, not all are religious.
I don't see rape in the story. I see abuse. But that’s not the point.
Stop making people feel less of themselves just because they have kinks or fantasies about rape.

i don’t know how you don’t see rape because every single sex scene in this story was NOT consensual and therefore it was rape. Dan was taken advantage of, when they met he was in debt, and currently he still needs to pay for his grandmother’s insane medical bills he can’t afford, is homeless, doesn’t have a job. "Technically he has a job and has a home!" he has those only because he obeys Jaekyung and follows his orders, even if it means destroying his mental health and ruining himself. The second Jaekyung feels like it, Dan won’t have a house or a job anymore. He won’t be able to afford his grandma’s hospital bills and will fall into debt again. So to avoid that misery, he has sex with Jaekyung, despite NOT wanting to, because it’s their deal.
"Can I say no?
- no you can’t"
" *Do I truly even have a say in this?*"
It was. Always. Rape.
Now that that point is clear, yes, that makes people fucked up. I do not care about people’s fetishes as long as they’re harmless, and a rape fetish fucking is. I’ve never agreed with CNC (consensual non-con), but ultimately I could still turn a blind eye to it because ppl are doing that shit privately and aren’t bragging about it anywhere. They’re keeping their sex life private like everyone else does.
However these kinds of stories do not only feed fetishists, they also fucking feed IRL rapists. Whatever you think of it, whatever you may feel about it, you cannot deny the fact that there’s people, actual fucking rapists reading this shit (rapists are much more common than you think they are and they’re everywhere, you’ve known some and you probably still know at least one wherever you like it or not) and are reading comments encouraging Jaekyung and his abusive behavior. Some fetishes feed into IRL harmful behavior and are insensitive towards victims. I don’t give a shit how people, some of them have never even experienced at least SA, feel reading what I’m saying. Fiction has always affected reality and that’s a debate that’s been going on since forever. Is this something you’d tell to shotacons and lolicons too? That it’s fine they’re fapping to children because they’re fictional anyway and they’re not actually pedophiles because who cares as long as the kids they touch aren’t real? i guess you have an explanation as to why MRM got banned in multiple countries for child pornography for its shotacon content then?

It you even think of answering with "but that’s two whole different issues!" no it’s not. Your whole point is that kink shaming is bad and that fictional works are fictional for a reason and therefore not harmful.
Pedophilia is one thing, rape is another. Both are crimes punished by law and destroy lives. Both are considered kinks by some people. Putting this here because I’ve had this kind of debate with people like you and they always try to say it’s different when it isn’t. Neither are forgivable. Get a grip.

Bad comparison. Don’t bring pedophila in here. You have a bad argument too. Get a grip. Murder is wrong are you going to go after all the crime shows and Harry Potter?
Horror. Westerns? Tragedy?
Science fiction?
Fantasy? Mythology?
These stories will always be here and exist after we gone. You are doing nothing but opening doors to where we have nothing.
Next it will be this genre.
Next it will be that genre.
Maybe would love to get rid of horror.
You are fighting a losing battle and if you win it, we lose everything eventually because you don’t understand. It will be like dominoes.
Yall gotta remember this aint real and should not be associated and compared to real lifeLet mingwa do her thing