Just waaaaaeeeee

Ilyria September 23, 2023 5:07 pm

Can anybody tell me what we're doing here? Okay, lets just pretend that you can ignore every red flag and toxic behaviour and you really enjoy everything about this story. But seriously for what? If the intention for this story is to just be like this, then what is there to enjoy about it? If not the smallest possibility for character change? Its not like their relationship is a little side story, its the main thing. And its not like its set up like a dark depressing story line where you can see that it will have a bad ending. I just dont get it. And you can't just label those who don't like it unconditionally as "not the target group". That doesn't give the manwha the right to simply glorify toxic behavior and make it sexy without seemingly any intention behind it.

    AlicesWh0reH0use September 23, 2023 5:13 pm

    I mean you don't have to read a story with the hopes that everything will turn out ok some stories don't have happy endings sadly some where in the world this could be a reality it's a possibility. But also this appeals to some people that's just how kinks work as fucked up as it is for others some find this hot that's just how it is. People are gonna like what they like if it's not your thing that's fine too.

    Ilyria September 23, 2023 5:18 pm
    I mean you don't have to read a story with the hopes that everything will turn out ok some stories don't have happy endings sadly some where in the world this could be a reality it's a possibility. But also thi... AlicesWh0reH0use

    Thats absolutely true. And its not about criticizing those who like it. I wouldn't have a problem with it if the story had a bad ending. I think that the tone is simply misleading and you can't really assess where the manga wants to position itself. Especially because some clichés and plot points are taken up that are more typical of rom-coms and that in turn doesn't fit with the current "development" of the characters.

    Silvermilk September 23, 2023 5:19 pm
    I mean you don't have to read a story with the hopes that everything will turn out ok some stories don't have happy endings sadly some where in the world this could be a reality it's a possibility. But also thi... AlicesWh0reH0use

    It doesn't have to turn out okay though. It's the writing that makes it seem like a "bad ending" is justified. Good writing makes it so that the bad ending IS a bad ending. There should be nothing glorified in it.

    AlicesWh0reH0use September 23, 2023 5:24 pm
    Thats absolutely true. And its not about criticizing those who like it. I wouldn't have a problem with it if the story had a bad ending. I think that the tone is simply misleading and you can't really assess wh... Ilyria

    No I get what ur saying for me the tone of this has always read more as Stockholm syndrome more than anything romantic cause I feel like these circumstances are just to extreme for anyone to ever actually fall in love in. So I've always read it with the idea of this might end badly so the continued fucked upness of it all makes sense to me from the story perspective.