Tell me tell me tell me

bootybutt September 23, 2023 4:53 pm

i've read for 3 pages of the novel, I scrolled down and it still in 1st person pov. Is it going to continue like that for the rest of story?
I prefer to read the novel more than the manhwa, but I really can't read stories with 1st pov.
I know its silly to ask judging by the tittle, but pliss tell me kind people

    AgustD's wife September 23, 2023 7:03 pm

    yeah its going to continue like that but you will get used to it. if you keep going xD i was struggling as well because i didnt like reading 1st pov novels..but now im used to it

    bootybutt September 24, 2023 1:29 am
    yeah its going to continue like that but you will get used to it. if you keep going xD i was struggling as well because i didnt like reading 1st pov novels..but now im used to it AgustD's wife

    I'll never get used to 1stpov because I don't like myself involve with the stories. I can't imagine myself as the character and I won't. Guess i'll drop this one

    AgustD's wife September 25, 2023 5:35 am

    its worth itttttt

    npc September 26, 2023 12:56 pm

    I think you should give it a chance. I personally hate reading 1st person povs but this is one of the very few novels i actually completed because I loved it so much

    FujoshiHeart_ September 26, 2023 9:51 pm

    please continue, there's a reason why we read it in 1st pov and once you notice, you will love it even more

    bootybutt September 28, 2023 3:35 am
    please continue, there's a reason why we read it in 1st pov and once you notice, you will love it even more FujoshiHeart_

    No, I wont

    bootybutt September 28, 2023 3:37 am
    I think you should give it a chance. I personally hate reading 1st person povs but this is one of the very few novels i actually completed because I loved it so much npc

    I just really can't read 1st pov without cringing myself out