LMAOOOO There's actually people complaining for the fact that the author decided to add a ...

Sofia September 23, 2023 3:19 pm

LMAOOOO There's actually people complaining for the fact that the author decided to add a little backstory to her characters?Like,what do you want,void people with no explanation whatsoever to how they became that way?If you're in it just for the sex go watch a porn.There's a lot of yaoi out there with sex and little to no plot,go read that.Cant believe people are unsatisfied cause a gangster themed story actually has a plot.Proof that you can never satisfy everyone, someone's always gotta complain

    HELPMELMAO September 23, 2023 3:41 pm

    i adore you for this

    Koybito September 24, 2023 12:09 am

    I am all for backstory that deepens or adds complexity to a plot. 100%
    But I don’t think the best way to go about presenting that backstory is by diverting from the main plot for several, several chapters. After 2 bonus totally unrelated chapters to boot. I glad we’re learning more about blondy, bringing up some sympathy for him, but I think 1 or 2 chapters summarizing what we’re seeing now would have been plenty. The plot has gotten somewhat complex enough as it is and diverting so much is making it hard to remember key details.

    Sofia September 24, 2023 5:49 am
    I am all for backstory that deepens or adds complexity to a plot. 100% But I don’t think the best way to go about presenting that backstory is by diverting from the main plot for several, several chapters. Af... Koybito

    Yeah,I can get that .But see,this is what I call constructive criticism,my comment was for the ones who wrote things like"we don't care for him bla bla where's the sex"or "what's all this mafia shit".Like bro,it's a mafia themed story,what do you mean