Mirin September 23, 2023 2:50 pm

Here just my rampant.

Those comments saying themselves "true readers" accusing other negative feedback as haters and said this comment section has become toxic environment.

What a hypocrisy, when they are actually the one who enjoying this twisted story plot. They hide their reason under ML being not understanding relationship, its just his way of declaring he love MC.

Am i saying every comment with negative tone is pure?
HELL NO. I believe everyone here are readers who enjoy sex scene and some kink as i am. No one pure here.

I just find it so ridiculous for those 'true readers' calling this comment section become toxic of people just hating. If they just wanna hate, they wont have tone of disappointment. They will just type negative comment with no acceptable reason, such as; "Today weather so bad. This manhwa is worse" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

People all just expressing their honest feeling and opinion. You can't expect all comment must contain praises or discussions of how will JK torture KD next or how hot the humiliation. Honestly I find relieve mostly comments expressing their disappointment of ML behaviour and how the story turns out. It is a proof that while readers might be shenanigans who loved sex scene and red flag dynamics, they have proper bottom line.

So, some will find this manhwa mesmerizing, some will disappointed. Accept it. You can't expect you are so right for loving this since its only fantasy not true event. While honestly I'm questioning your moral and concernly questioning your conduct irl, I'm respecting your taste. We human not pure. However, we need bottom line. You can masturbate with rape scene or licking uncensored explicit sex scene. But please, only if its not humiliation.

But then again~
Its okay if you find humiliation sexy. Thats fine if your moral already long broken. Above is my opinion, not parameter of how being a proper human.

Just, its pathetic you actually hating the one you calling that. You become unacceptable of comments that opposite you. This comment section for everyone to express their feelings and opinions about the manhwa. By expressing that none is right or wrong.
