But it is??? Like, ok maybe suffer more wasn’t the right choice of words, but in my opinion, I enjoy stories where it’s fucked up. That Is MY subjective opinion. By replying to me like this, you are saying that what I ENJOY is disgusting.
If you don’t like this stuff, leave. There is thousands of other stories for you to enjoy. Life a short and you’re wasting it fighting me over a story? Lmaooo grow up

For what? I ain’t commuting a crime here :/ I was staring an opinion that is MY OWN. People should not feel the need to attack others for their opinions. For example, I don’t agree with people that this story is bad, I’m ALSO waiting for it to get sweet, but I don’t attack people for their opinion :/ I enjoy these kinds of things, so why should I be attacked for it?

Im not attacking you at all im expressing my dissaproval and it was kind of a joke. You have the right to express your opinion as much as i do and i dont think people should attack you for this but i do thjnk they have the right to say whether they think what you said was weird or not. Of course, they shouldn't attack you for this but nobody has to be kind.

I wanna make something clear. I don’t support rape. I don’t enjoy reading raps. What I DO enjoy is reading toxic relationships become healthy. I can’t describe how much I HATED the authors other story (BJ Alex or whatever) because I hated how much the bottom went through, this applies to Painter of the Night and Ennead, both of which have a significant amount of rape.
They also have some of the best romances and stories and character redemption arcs I’ve ever read, and I’ve read BL and Yaoi for about 10 years now.
You are an insecure person who is seeking to harass others online. Yes, I enjoyed the last chapter cause seeing the bottom tied up and stuffed with toys is fun, but I also enjoyed it because it will hold a significant memory to the bottom abt how he is treated and yes, will seek to escape (therefor creating EXTRA PLOTLINES).
I was simply stating how much I enjoyed the story, and here you come, as pointed out by another person, FRESHLY an adult. This is behaviour I expect from someone who is what… 13? You were definitely a part of the groups of people who harass others for enjoying BL you dad pathetic fuck
Bruh I’m fucked up but I’m ENJOYING this lmaooooლ(´ڡ`ლ) keep giving more of this chapter 34 PLEASE I wanna see Doc suffer some more^^ (yes I’m going to therapy and touching grass)