Bro my brain hurts

AlittleMaDDdude September 23, 2023 5:07 am

All the twists and turns and the mystery all of it came down them being just the rich acting rich doing stupid rich people things. Which is simultaneously disappointing and satisfying in perspective. Long story short they both suck and they need therapy lmao.

    Viira May 15, 2024 4:35 am

    No I think Jesse is actually a character that starts very bratty and out of touch but genuinely came to love Law as a kid but was unwilling to compromise on his self respect and become dependent on Law. Law saw this as Jesse looking down on him when in reality he began treating Law as an equal early on he just had a lot of self confidence whereas Law did not and had a major inferiority complex. He THOUGHT Jesse would throw him away if he wasn’t perfect or compliant, but Jesse actually through Law did the things he did for Jesse out of love. He did also understand that Law was a people pleaser though and would call him out, which Law always interpreted as Jesse “looking down” on him. It was Laws own people pleasing and self hate and lack of confidence that made him think Jesse would throw him away. When he is sent away it was actually Jesse’s attempt to protect him, not reject him. He knew how unwell Law was and didn’t want him to become his mother’s pawn. He wanted to set Law free but Law wouldn’t unshackle himself. In the end Jesse sees that Law won’t help himself or try to outgrow his obsession and goes back for him feeling that Law cant be left on his own without being self destructive.

    madd May 16, 2024 5:01 am

    Bro I’m still lost but I thought it was a good psycho thriller. It’s definitely not romance tho lmao.