sounds like it’s their problem. you can mute, or ignore, or just stop caring what people think. if i hate the episode (which i did), i can express my disappointment in the little white box just like everyone else. if you like it so much, what did you want to share that you were scared to type? or are you just trying to act as a representative for the theoretical group of people you’re describing?

damn i feel called out bro i have a rape kink, i mean its all ACTUALLY consensual in the bedroom but cnc dont hurt nobody. I think rape kinks are completely normal but getting turned onto this...its not it chief, not for me . Actual rape kinks are nothing like this, i prefer cnc smut compared to actual violation.

Yeah I went to the sub reddit and I'm guessing actually real life play is like your explaining NGL at this point I don't think this story is even there for people with rape kinks cuz shit isn't consensual 90% of the times, imma still think rape kinks are weird but also it's not like people can get rid of them so

No, you don't get it.
People get insulted and shamed for liking this, so they choose to not type at all. I have friends on here who told me they didn't want to comment because they're scared people might insult them.
There have been various attacks on people for liking this too. Some were told to kill themselves, and some were told to suck the author’s dick. There were many others too. But yeah, you can say I'm acting like a representative to call out their stupid acts. It's not everyone who can just mute, ignore, or just stop caring what others think. People are different and react in different ways. A foul comment talking about a user can lead to self-harm or suicide of that user.
The comment section has become so toxic to the point that readers who actually liked the new update have become scared to comment. They hide themselves in fear of being discriminated by others.
People are allowed to like a character or a story. Don't criticize them just because you don't.