Bro we cant defend you anymore

mereketengteng September 22, 2023 2:44 pm

The latest chapter is really harsh. We all admit that JJK is both handsome and Asshole, but honest to god I hope Dan will at least get to punch him real hard, broke his kneecap, look at him like he's worthless, face cold and silent treatment and make jjk beg forgiveness everyday for month full for all the craziness he has to dealt with

I really wonder how mingwa gonna make the redemption satisfying, because some tears just wont do shit the way it is rn

    shu September 22, 2023 2:51 pm

    Tbh I don't even want to comment on this new chapter. It's horrifying from Dan's perspective if he ever comes to know about this.

    toilet terrorist September 22, 2023 3:04 pm

    a month is too short Jiwon waited one or two months only we need atleast a year and he has to shave his head

    Tmsmyz September 22, 2023 3:16 pm

    How do you two miss so much? He needed to communicate but read the beginning he was trying to protect Dan from Heesung. And I admit he is handsome to some. Just not to me. It is funny. You call him handsome and don’t have an accurate view. I don’t find him attractive and see he was protecting Dan in a ….weird manner. He was exposing his love/like here for Dan.
    Dan has punched him. Dan has pushed him away too.
    Tsundere. Look it up.

    shu September 22, 2023 3:27 pm
    How do you two miss so much? He needed to communicate but read the beginning he was trying to protect Dan from Heesung. And I admit he is handsome to some. Just not to me. It is funny. You call him handsome and... Tmsmyz

    If that's his way of protecting I rather he don't Move an inch.
    Bro literally had his dick up Dan's ass while saying he's his possession to that actor.
    That whole thing made my blood boil, talk about no consent , Zero respect for someone's personal space.
    If Dan's ever known this , he's gonna faint on the spot right then and there.
    Jk better take this secret to his very grave.
    Fucking exhibitionist!

    mereketengteng September 22, 2023 3:53 pm
    Tbh I don't even want to comment on this new chapter. It's horrifying from Dan's perspective if he ever comes to know about this. shu

    Yeah I wonder how Mingwa gonna write it off, but better yet dan will not never know, ignorance is bliss cause idk how Dan will recover from that embarrasment and humiliation

    mereketengteng September 22, 2023 3:55 pm
    a month is too short Jiwon waited one or two months only we need atleast a year and he has to shave his head toilet terrorist

    Thats?? Good idea he have to kneel on four and shave his head, i dig this idea

    Tmsmyz September 22, 2023 4:00 pm
    If that's his way of protecting I rather he don't Move an inch. Bro literally had his dick up Dan's ass while saying he's his possession to that actor.That whole thing made my blood boil, talk about no consent ... shu

    One I don’t realize he was talking about chapter 34. I though he was talking about chapter 33. In chapter 33 it revealed things a Heesung. You already seen the mismatched. I totally didn’t look at the date. Honestly, if I didn’t see other comments and read the chapter 34. I would’ve been really confused by your response as it was not chapter 33.

    ——. All caught up!

    Haha! Yeah sure Dan’s a possession. He just doesn’t want to admit he has feelings for Dan. He needed to just admit he had feelings for Dan.
    Now, he finally did something he is going to really regret. He wasn’t trying to hurt Dan but ultimately he’s will when Dan learns. That is why Dan couldn’t see, hear, or talk. He took it to an extreme. He was trying to say he did have feelings and Dan was his, not as a possession by saying he was.
    If Heesung would understood his behavior in the spa and stop chasing after Dan, Jaekyung wouldn’t had done it. If Jaekyung could just said he had feelings for Dan, Heesung would had stop. Maybe.
    Let’s trigger the sex addict with sex toys and some deep trauma in his life that can’t handle his own emotions who unknowingly has a SA survivor as a partner.
    If you can’t handle toxic stories, go read the healthy fluffy stories. You are 34 chapters in, you know what kind of story this is. If you stay try to understand the characters and trying to understand miscommunication do happen.

    mereketengteng September 22, 2023 4:04 pm
    How do you two miss so much? He needed to communicate but read the beginning he was trying to protect Dan from Heesung. And I admit he is handsome to some. Just not to me. It is funny. You call him handsome and... Tmsmyz

    Not that kinda punch. But the punch after Jaekyung grieve over his mistakes and not treating the one he loves as proper human being. Punch both in the gut and his heart, its a metaphor. I was just saying Dan better fuck him up to make the redemption satisfying.

    JJK screwed way of thinking surely will be revealed later when they communicate better but he need to be "punished" or it wont be regret top just like the official tag said

    Tmsmyz September 22, 2023 4:05 pm
    How do you two miss so much? He needed to communicate but read the beginning he was trying to protect Dan from Heesung. And I admit he is handsome to some. Just not to me. It is funny. You call him handsome and... Tmsmyz

    This was explicitly chapter 33.
    What Heesung says in the bar
    What Jaekyung overhears
    It is all at the beginning of the chapter 33.
    Yes I know OP said lastest chapter but I don’t look at the date and it is not uploaded here yet.
    Chapter 34 started off with Heesung and Dan. So that would had been an indication I was talking about chapter 33.

    Tmsmyz September 22, 2023 4:11 pm
    Not that kinda punch. But the punch after Jaekyung grieve over his mistakes and not treating the one he loves as proper human being. Punch both in the gut and his heart, its a metaphor. I was just saying Dan be... mereketengteng

    Okay. If you paid attention…I was talking about chapter 33 but you were talking about chapter 34. I don’t know it was Jinx day. Now I can give you a proper response.

    Dan needs to punch him. He did something he shouldn’t have done. It would had been easier to say he had feelings for Dan. He does not know how express them, I guess? Heesung should had understood in the spa Jaekyung’s feelings for Dan.

    Dan needs to punch him. Team Dan here. Dan needs to do more.

    shu September 22, 2023 5:01 pm
    One I don’t realize he was talking about chapter 34. I though he was talking about chapter 33. In chapter 33 it revealed things a Heesung. You already seen the mismatched. I totally didn’t look at the date.... Tmsmyz

    Girl I have been in this forum for 4+ years. U can't imagine just how many plots I have already gone through. Ofcourse I can read this sort of story with no story. And still can move my fingers to write opinions.
    But as you mentioned jk was just trying to protect or expressing his feelings, let me tell you he fucked up real bad right there.
    He was so possesive abt "possession" even though dude claims to have no relationship.
    Hypocrisy at its peak!