This manhwa and its “anime” adaptation is such a vibe. It leaves u with an indescribab...

Aki190 September 22, 2023 4:56 am

This manhwa and its “anime” adaptation is such a vibe. It leaves u with an indescribable feeling when its finished. And the addition to Clare De Lune playing throughout the anime set the mood perfectly.

    AverageWeirdo January 3, 2024 1:19 am

    Right?! I just watched it, and while a bunch is left unsaid, you can really feel the emotion in it. A very...artsy? little film, and just super gorgeous for it

    AverageWeirdo January 3, 2024 1:20 am
    Right?! I just watched it, and while a bunch is left unsaid, you can really feel the emotion in it. A very...artsy? little film, and just super gorgeous for it AverageWeirdo

    I say "while a bunch is left unsaid" but I think it's *because* a lot is left unsaid that this lands so well. It really is embodying show don't tell :)

    zhanshii February 13, 2024 9:18 am

    literally why i became so obsessed with clair de lune, no joke. adding that piece really, REALLY just made everything fit so perfectly together and set the whole vibe, it was such a good idea.