I think we'd all be just fine if we stuck to our own devices instead of reading into other peoples' opinions. If the comments bother you and you would like to just continue the story, then stop reading them.
Everyone needs to remember where we are and what we're reading. This is an illegal site with truckloads of horrible people and mangas/manhwas to pair. You get all kinds. If arguing ain't your thing, skip it.
Feeling uncomfortable because your conscience is being knocked on is part of the packaged deal when you expose yourself to these things.

You're going too deeply into this. Like, its fictional. In a real life situation it would be different ofc. Plus you're saying that after the deal Dan refused but Jaekyung "assaulted" him? You do realize that its not a normal deal btw them. Dan helps with his jinx and jaekyung pays him money for his grandma. Like he's treating her in return to treating his jinx. Dan shouldn't have agreed in the first place if he couldn't take it. But it's the legit point. "JINX". I'm sure if it wasn't for the jinx jaekyung wouldn't even go near smn like Dan. But that's the whole plot.

Just because he helps him doesn’t make it any less rape..? And yes I know it’s the whole plot. Doesn’t make it okay? And of course it’s deep, just because it’s fictional doesn’t mean it isn’t harmful. Many gay men and other queer people are fetishized because of yaoi and have spoken out about how it’s weird that they are always seen to being raped in stories,yaoi, movies and so much more,

Why don’t you quit assuming and being a dick. I dropped it in August. I have not read beyond chapter 30(?). I am giving it a second chance because of cyber bullying on this page is more toxic. I don’t give you an opinion. Like how he is not a boxer. Get your facts straight. MMA fighter. There is no rape. Jk did not force him. There is to attempted rapes. One before JK and one JK saved Dan. I know the story and your opinion will not change it.
Why don’t you read it correctly and closely. This is SA only.
Yes, I know rape comes in all different ways. This is why I put I am a rape survivor to not hear ridiculous arguments for forcing a pov. It is misunderstood that I am using as leverage or something stupid.

Bro relax? All I did was say that because I know that you wouldn’t change your views also this yaoi clearly had rape themes? And also just because jk saved him does not excuse his rape. There are many themes of him forcing himself onto Dan which are very obvious. And it’s not only SA? If that’s your definition of SA I wouldn’t wanna know what you think “Actual rape” is.
I know many people have their own philosophys about jaekgyun(sorry if I didn't write it correctly) but many seeing these comments about how he treats Dan(the people mentioning r/pe) make me feel bad for even reading it. I'm only here for the development of the story but man, can't you guys give it a break. There are so many tiring arguments surrounding a very serious topic