Major Spoilers ahead......
From what I can understand,Aina has something like a god identity, something like a double personality. One of the personalities is actually a god ( Golden)and that is the reason she was being treated that way in her village. But she also has a human identity,where she wants to be like a normal human and have love and family. Because of that , she escapes the village and goes with the first king and I believe that's where the tragedy begins. Ayna and the first king fall in love with each other and because of that , the god identity, offers the king Three wishes. The king uses the first wish to marry Ayna. The god identity also makes a prophecy of some sort that the children that Ayna will have will one day kill her. Because of this , the king is very reluctant to have children but Ayna wishes for a family made of blood more than anything, it's almost like an obsession.They end up having three children and for many reasons, the firstborn hates the mother and wishes to kill her, while the second child is very timid.The king then makes his second wish to Golden, and he wishes for the perfect heir among his son's, who doesn't lack anything and as a price all other children will have to be sacrificed for a perfect heir. The second son is chosen and as a result , all other heirs die. This is the curse and blessing that is now inherited in the royal family
From the past 6 chapters of Aina's story I understood nothing...Either the story is unclear or the translation is shit. Please explain what's going on