Goddamnn, taeman is such a pro eventho he fails this time. While that one dude cant even h...

nielkimdude September 20, 2023 10:32 pm

Goddamnn, taeman is such a pro eventho he fails this time. While that one dude cant even handle one guy.

    Ms. KittyKat October 19, 2023 2:08 pm

    Taeman is a Pro and would not have failed if it wasn't for the young thinking he's a big man and was ready for field work... OBVIOUSLY NOT. He had one job and couldn't do that...instead he ASS JACKED the whole situation up causing a killer to get away, Taeman to fail his mission...almost getting killed and putting their boss in a very bad situation (cause he cares about him). Now Taeman gonna have to get help from the one person he wanted to keep safe and out of his shit.