It is a common isekai story after all (official title was Not the Typical Reincarnation, so...)

moody_bish September 20, 2023 4:47 am

I'm basing this on the spoiler I read and just coz ch8 told me everything i need to know about the setting being an uncommon isekai. Idk, maybe coz ive been reading alot of manhwas of similar trope to the point where i forget the titles lmao. But this IS the common isekai story now. MC wont get along with FL coz she's sinister. MC will be surrounded by assholes, like the ML. FL will always be misunderstood. And just because it followed a similar direction as "Beware of the Villainess" (i had to search it up coz i forgot the title, sue me), I'm sure that BotV is more uncommon (basing this from the spoilers of this story). Another "not typical isekai" would be "The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion".

BUT, this is my POV as a reader. I think that's just the disconnect between what the MC thinks is a common trope and what I think is more's just the hit or miss of "self aware" MCs about the setting and my brain's constant alienation of weighing the wits and adaptive abilities of the MC based on what she knows about the tropes involved in the novel and what other tropes might come into play as she is a reader who can surmise what a "common isekai" story is about.

    GenericName September 20, 2023 11:32 am

    I think the FL is aware of all the tropes. I'm not sure how far you read so spoilers:

    I'm pretty sure the FL thought the standard isekai was everything you described. The thing the FL thought wasn't standard is when she saw that the story cannot be changed. Usually in isekai's what they all have in common is someone appears in the story and changes it but, when the FL tried verbally changing it, she got an error message telling her not to. Additionally, all the same events repeated regardless of what subtle things she's doing so she determined that she'll end up with the story ending no matter what (which is not the common isekai ending).

    moody_bish September 21, 2023 3:42 am
    I think the FL is aware of all the tropes. I'm not sure how far you read so spoilers:I'm pretty sure the FL thought the standard isekai was everything you described. The thing the FL thought wasn't standard is ... GenericName

    I have a few stories in mind relating to authority of the novel(im struggling with titles, sorry but they all include having a system that limits the MC, a world authority the brainwashes the characters, a novel FL with twisted personality that is also nonOriginal to the story, and an MC that is fully alienated by the novel), which is why i say as a reader, the title only applies to what the MC thinks is a common trope. It's just me nitpicking the title tbh coz spoilers aside, I am still reading the official on webtoon and jumping on here to get a glimpse of how exactly does it derail from a common isekai and as I commented, think that with how saturated the trope is...the title is coming off as too obvious of a way to try being a counter to clichès, except it is also a form of clichè on it own. Altho please bear with my fixation with the title coz compared to those with uncommon or refreshing twists on the tropes, they don't go their way saying "it isn't a common isekai" ( ̄∇ ̄")

    GenericName September 21, 2023 11:40 am

    Ohh I think you've just read more stories than me LOL. I've never seen the world authority that brainwashes characters (or I didn't read far enough for that reveal) so I genuinely thought it was original oops. Also I totally get where you're coming from if you've seen the trope before and then see a story go "I'm not like the other girls" lmao. Thank you for elaborating <3 <3

    moody_bish September 22, 2023 2:18 am
    Ohh I think you've just read more stories than me LOL. I've never seen the world authority that brainwashes characters (or I didn't read far enough for that reveal) so I genuinely thought it was original oops. ... GenericName

    Thanks for understanding and YES. It's giving "not like the other girls", you nailed that one ╮(⌒▽⌒)╭