feetfinder September 19, 2023 9:07 am

Okay so we’re starting to get a few shreds of the plot tying together! So let’s analyse:

1. They are currently playing in a game that is a full-body, full-conscious experience. There is no logging out or pausing ect. and there’s no way for Bada to ‘get out’ unless he beats the game.

2. It is possible to achieve ‘consciousness’ by saving in the ‘game’ (but i don’t believe this is the ONLY way to achieve it. it wouldn’t make sense for Bada’s case and seemingly the new blue hair guy’s case)

3. Bada doesn’t remember what type of person he is in the ‘real world’. which brings up two very important questions:
- How long has he actually been going through these loops?
- Is there actually a reason he can’t remember?

Has Bada really been going through these loops for so long that his memory is fading of the person he is? Logistically, that’s a very slim chance. The human memory can retain itself just fine for 10 decades, so are we saying he’s been stuck for OVER a lifetime of these loops of a couple days at a time?

What is the ‘real world’. ACTUALLY?

I believe there’s a better reason for why he can’t remember, and it’s that he’s not MEANT to remember.

This goes for him and ALL of the other guys, it might just be that he is the first to ‘gain consciousness’ but i have minimal doubts the others will start to come around soon too. They are all there for a reason and I believe that reason could be numerous things.

I’ll propose a couple wild (far fetched) ones:

Are they all convicted murderers perhaps, been forced to live out this eternity of being slaughtered as atonement?

Or maybe (hear me out) Bada is the murderer, and he is in his own personal hell with all his victims in atonement.


    Yuki September 19, 2023 11:11 am

    love this, lets keep the thread going.

    When Bada said he does not remember his 'real life' it made me think, what if Bada is not a 'real person' what if he is just an NPC and this is actually a game. And his whole purpose is to help the other 'players' end the game?

    I have so many thought and theories

    I LOVE stories like these, its a great brain gymnastic. I hope we can continue to talk about theories like this in the comment section, cause damn this good.

    kiokio September 19, 2023 2:14 pm
    love this, lets keep the thread going.When Bada said he does not remember his 'real life' it made me think, what if Bada is not a 'real person' what if he is just an NPC and this is actually a game. And his who... Yuki

    girl omg thats what i thought too after reading op's comment like what if bada just thinks he's from the outside world but is in actuality just another npc meant to guide other players in the game, like the encyclopedia/guide type of npc that describes what the others are or what items and save points in the game should be noted by the player

    feetfinder September 19, 2023 2:30 pm
    love this, lets keep the thread going.When Bada said he does not remember his 'real life' it made me think, what if Bada is not a 'real person' what if he is just an NPC and this is actually a game. And his who... Yuki

    This is a great take at the possible story too omg. That is also very possible