THANK U BABE. I'm not even American. But because I disagreed w him and recognised the hard work that Black Americans had to go through to have rights and not b called racial slurs he assumed I am. He's ignorant and clearly has some racial issues which is clear since he proudly calls himself a 'Blackie" yet another racist slur. Plus the guy proudly says the hard R which is not the same as nigga. He's a weirdo

Personally I don't think it's shitting on us the drawings are fine except that kid that looks like uncle ruckus from boondocks but nobody bats an eye black ppl can be dicks too so it feels kind of partial when they get mad that the bully is black if you get? Asides from maybe the wasian dude calling his own bullies a slur there's nothing else wrong here I genuinely feel there was supposed to be a punch line since the wasian said he won't solve violence with violence

The story is based in korea the author is korean I haven't been to Korea and you haven't either and if you didn't get it that person was trying to flex on how they were sold there "if it weren't for us you wouldn't be able to go to the danm country" make it make sense so cause you happend to be there I wouldn't been able to go to anywhere else? And I didn't make it a light skin vs dark skin not sure how you even got there Americans are just self absorbed that's all and again back to the story like I said black ppl can be shits and can be racist to other ppl it happens

Nah yoruba and hausa woukd be weirder bc of the religious barriers, but WHY ARE U ON THE WRONG SIDE THEN cus no shade to u but both tribes arent the most humble people. Yorubas alw gotta brag abt them damn brains and succes, and igbos always on abttheir riches or whatever royal bloodline they came from.

Oh ur js mistaken, sorry for bein rude then. Their problem is not the bully, its the portrayal. Ive seen black bullies but it aint like that. Its just so unrealistic that its nonsense, and its worsening koreans view on black ppl. Since i plan to study in university of seoul thats an issue for me. Im glad theres international dorms bc i dont think koreans are THE MOST inclusive.. ppl from where im from r lovely (apart feom the immature little boys) so i wont know how to react when im faced with an actual real life state of the art racist, so id prefer if they didnt assume i was some korea hating bully when i want to buy food.

? People in Canada are chill. Alot of black ppl go there. Top immigration areas are america for the american dream, uk for study and canada for work. All nigerean nurses have considered moving to canada atleast once, my mother included, so you arent a ‘rare specimen’ there. But i can count on my fingers how many people in my year that are black (including me thats 4 black and 2 idek they look somali cus their shade of skin is like too idk how to explain .) And theres less of us each year, how come in a school of over 400+ theres under 30 black students and no black staff? I feel like a cocopop in a bowl of corn flakes. Thats why i understand JUST how unlikely this is. If its this bad in the uk itll be a hundred times worse in sk, hence why people are bothered

This person is not american bro.. and idk bout u but they have a right to be offended when they race is bein shitted on. Be honest if i started absolutely disrespecting all yoruba-igbos youd feel targetted, and if yoruba-igbos were alr discriminated against and my post gained alot of popularity, youd feel even MORE discriminated against. Humans r social creatures im just the messanger
Every bully in this story is ugly. Maybe some of them are good looking, but let’s be honest: most of them are disgusting inside and outside. The biggest problem for me are racist scenes. Acting like bunch of monkeys? Using the n word? Etc.
That’s disgusting.
Or is there smth racist with new bullys appearance? For me they look like the old ones portrayed in this story, but if I’m wrong please correct me.