First of all they're not always ugly and second it's litteraly the first time we see pocs after 125 chapters and the author decided to portray them as ugly ass bullies who persecute south Koreans because they're supposedly "jealous", and that alone is a problem but the author also decided to also add a bunch of other racist stuff on top of that. If you're actually black and none of this bothers then good for you, but you don't speak for the rest of us.

Yeah one kid the main kid that's the whole point and it is centered on racism yes but it's racism against Asian people in south korea supposedly perpetuated by "bitter" pocs and not the other way around and not only that but the author who's obviously not black has decided to include racial slurs in it too, as if a person of color being racist to you justifies anyone using racial slurs. Not saying that they aren't any racist poc but if racism is a problem in south korea, and it is, it certainly is not because of people of color. And the whole bs with black people being the most racist people in the USA when white people are litteraly right there is amazing too. I don't know what you're even defending the author themselves "apologized" and explained that they decided to take on a subject that they basically knew nothing about hence all the delusional bs in the most recent chapter. And again when I say you can't speak for us you can't say we're overreacting either , I don't know if you're really black and just the ultimate pick me or just some racist white dude talking shit but I can assure you being the target of almost constant micro agression and sometimes blatant racism just to see people of color being represented as racist and bitter pieces of garbages and especially in a racist country like south Korea is exhausting.

I'm convinced it's only black ppl in America that are taking offense to this I'm African specifically Nigeria. ND like I said the mixed investigator didn't call the kid a nigher he was referring to the ppl who bullied him it's that obvious you said it your self there are racist pocs so that's literally the whole point of the chapter

Yeah try again buddy I'm from France, racism is everywhere not just in America. He was looking at him and talking to him and either way he's not black he shouldn't be using that slur period doesn't matter who he's talking to. And as I litteraly said previously racism is an issue in south Korea because of south Koreans not people of color so making an entire chapter turning people of color and specifically black people into racist bullies instead of the victims of racism which is very often the case in Korea is disgusting. And if you still don't get it then whatever I guess I'm not going to waste any more of my time explaining what racism is to you.

Ur from a majority black country, don't speak on how black ppl in a majority white country should feel when called racist slurs by said majority. This is not about u. If it weren't for the “black ppl in America” ur sorry ass wouldn't even b able to go to the damn country. I beg shut ur big mouth “blackie”

Cus i never grew up sepakin that way no shade. I was born and raised but im an immigrant, and learned most my english from white shows bc my parents arent particularly fluent, theyre both yoruba. So yeah, i don speak like that. Im actually top of my english class for that very reason, and my main hobby since i was a toddler was reading. Itd be stranger if i did speak like that on a normal basis

EXACTLYYY idk why theyre tryna speak, in nigeria you never experience racism to nlack people. You barely know what racism even means. I didnt know till people wouldnt stop bringin up my race when i immigrated. Also over there lightskins r put on a pedestal and seen as some gift from god. I was even told that ‘if you see an oyebo (white person) you’ll be blessed for the rest of your life’ BY MY MOTHER. So this person seems generally uneducated, and they have a view quite similar as the authors. You dont have to be black to be educated on this topic and you are way more qualified to falk abt it than ‘blackie’

‘None of u are treated as ppl there’ and ur defending the author for doin the same thing? Ur so hypocritical. Fortunately for me i migrated to the UK which is more diverse instead of whatever tf is goin on over in america, so i am treated as a person and in fact have gained a crazy sense of brotherhood for my kind due to how little of us there are in my school, however i still have white friends. All my closest friends are any race but black, actually. Mainky white and West Asian. I dont see why this has become lightskins vs darkskins. They can exist in harmony did u know that? And yes i AM fortunate to be here, as im now educated on hateful behavior unlike someone over here. Atleast i know my rights from wrongs. Also what tribe are you?
Every bully in this story is ugly. Maybe some of them are good looking, but let’s be honest: most of them are disgusting inside and outside. The biggest problem for me are racist scenes. Acting like bunch of monkeys? Using the n word? Etc.
That’s disgusting.
Or is there smth racist with new bullys appearance? For me they look like the old ones portrayed in this story, but if I’m wrong please correct me.