Does no one understand pressure and stress and trauma???

Qxeen_zxy September 18, 2023 7:30 am

He has trauma and he’s stressed out. He’s right. He thinks everyone only loves him because of his capable side and that no one will ever care for the vulnerable side. He can’t keep being capable 24/7. Mr mo couldn’t even say whether or not he could love the weak and vulnerable side. There’s nothing that would give xiao confidence that he can let another person in and that he can trust them. Even I wouldn’t date someone I loved if I had any doubts that they would love me at my lowest. Everyone wants someone who would embrace you and tell you you are beautiful and loveable when you feel the most ugly and undeserving of love. Xiao is no expectation. Everyone expects so much from him but never once asks what it is that HE wants. He’s so busy taking care of everyone that everyone forgets that he needs to be taken care of too. Mr mo couldn’t promise to take care of him emotionally and spiritually. He has money and can financially take care of him but that’s not the only thing that matters in life. Stop the slander just because one person is doing it so you all think it’s right. Xiao isn’t intentionally stringing Mo along. Xiao set up a fwb no strings attached relationship and Mo strayed from that. Xiao made no promises about loving Mo or this eventually being a relationship. Mo knew what xiao wanted and ignored it then got upset at him about it. Why would xiao have to compromise himself when he wasn’t in the wrong at all? If Mo was catching feelings, he could have said it and xiao would have ended it like he did. Y’all are unbelievable for making it seem like he did something wrong.
