8.6/10 good story fun and enjoyable. My only issue was how there could've been more substa...

Megirl6473 September 17, 2023 4:57 pm

8.6/10 good story fun and enjoyable. My only issue was how there could've been more substance idk what vibe the author wanted but I feel like her mental health could have been dealt with more this whole story had a comedy filter on. Essentially making every scene that could expand more on her emotional state of this quite frankly terryfiing situation not that serious. Then we never got like a proper explanation for the system like no one wanted to know anything else? Then the husband he is so such a non character. Though I think this was done on purpose to make him essentially an object her love for him tbh their love in general it was cute but like. I know nothing about them why they love each other and why she loves him. It felt forced idk but they were cute so I guess it's fine. Overall this story thr comedy filter placed ontop of it whether intentional or not made a lot if not all the stakes sakeless.
I liked it very interesting and new concept but sadly has a lot of plot inconsistencies. And unexplained things.
